by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]
Tag Archives: zinc
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Hair stylist or life artist?
May 29, 2013
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by Johnny G — Who among us has not experienced a bad hair day — or bad hair days? As insignificant as it may sound, bad hair has the potential to affect your whole day, because how we look colors the way we see ourselves. Beginning the day feeling less than our best can throw […]
Supplement Basics
August 30, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — To function at your best, I recommend several basic food supplements. The most important are omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and vitamin D3. Additional minerals that are needed by most people are calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium and selenium. Also very helpful are vitamins A, B, C, E and P (bioflavonoids). […]
Infection Prevention
August 17, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people are concerned about the growing threat of infections that seemingly strike at random and do not respond well to drugs. These include: MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the flesh-eating bacteria that has recently been in the news, and new strains of drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases. Basic principles of infections […]
A new spin on old remedies
March 1, 2012
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by Elaine Haynik — Editor’s Note: Check with your health care provider before taking any new remedies or supplements. The first ingredient in the recipe for a healthy life is a happy, grateful mindset. Rather than focusing on unsatisfying relationships or your disappointments and problems, try simply moving on. Set your mind and thoughts to […]
Alcohol addiction and sugar
February 27, 2012
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by Paula Owens — In the United States, there are 17 to 20 million alcoholics — or about one in every 10 people. One-third of Americans are heavy drinkers (50 percent consuming more than 14 drinks weekly). Alcoholics are more prone to disease and accidents than the rest of the population and tend to die […]
Natural Thyroid Care
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The thyroid gland is not large, but it functions as the “spark plugs” of the body, giving a person plenty of energy for every bodily activity. Thyroid problems are among the most prevalent health disorders. Hypothyroidism. The most common thyroid condition is called hypothyroidism, or a low-functioning thyroid. Symptoms often […]
It is time to enjoy pumpkins
February 23, 2012
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by Karen Langston — The pumpkin has been a staple of the American diet for a very long time. Native Americans were using the pumpkin both for its seeds (as food) and for medicinal purposes long before pilgrims set foot on what is now American soil. Pumpkin was also used for treating snakebites, as a […]
Colds and flu prevention
February 23, 2012
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Many scientific studies have repeatedly found that there is little or no evidence backing flu vaccines as an effective flu-prevention strategy. Evidence is mounting in support of vitamin D as a potential cold and flu prevention strategy. However, optimizing your vitamin D levels through regular sun exposure is preferred, as the sun imparts health benefits […]
July 10, 2013
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