Beating ourselves up over money matters rarely promotes growth and abundance. Simplifying our finances can go far toward releasing us from a mental squirrel cage.
by Lucinda Lintz —
There are a lot of complicated and sophisticated “things” in this world. How we deal with money and its benefits does not have to be one of them.
Sometimes, the attempt to stay on top of our finances can lead to further problems and challenges, which can spill into our relationships, affect our leisure and recreation time and, most of all, damage our relationship with ourselves. Beating ourselves up over money matters rarely promotes growth and abundance. Simplifying our finances can go far toward releasing us from a mental squirrel cage.
The following are some ideas to help individuals and small businesses get a handle on managing their money.
- Pay bills twice a month, according to payday schedules — and know there will be enough.
- Embrace a “Love My Banking” attitude to reinforce positive actions.
- Take the time to acquire bids, comparisons and shop around for proposals to ensure that you pay the right price for your purchases.
- Listen, consult with and ask for help from people whose opinion you value when faced with difficult or stress-related money management.
- Sit down with your daily expenditures for 15 minutes each day to “touch” your numbers and stay on top of your finances.
A virtue carried to an extreme can turn into a vice — remember to stay flexible and open to alternatives. Gathering information and developing non-game, non-adrenaline-pumping solutions will allow you to create simple systems that enhance, rather than drain, your energy. Relying on support to persevere through change can lead you to a considerably improved relationship with money.
Lucinda Lintz operates Abundance in Business and is a business manager, bookkeeper and accountant for individuals, small businesses and the media. 602-997-7970 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
May 20, 2013
Business, Career and employment, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Lifestyle, Money and Financial, Relationships