Talking to the animals after the tsunami

Through love, compassion, prayer and even conversation, we can all help the animals through their grief and loss and assure them that their lives, along with their new human friends, will again prosper.
by Barbara J. Paster —
Many of us have read or heard about a wildlife refuge, home to elephants and other animals, that was flooded by the tsunami in Asia. All of the animals escaped to higher ground before the water came, while their human caretakers perished. Although devastating, this is not a surprise, as it is known that animals, as a whole, have far greater instincts than humans.
At first, we are so impressed by their magnificence that we forget that their lives would be so deeply affected. As emotional beings, they too would need to grieve the loss of human life. Not only do animals have their own deep emotions, but they also pick up on our emotions, even those of the mass consciousness. So, if a nation is devastated, they will feel it also.
As an animal communicator, I chose to speak to one of the elephants, a leader, who related to me that the humans had been their trusted friends. They were their overseers and were lovingly respected for understanding their needs and boundaries. On behalf of all of the animals, he relayed to me their great loss, grief and mourning.
Through love, compassion, prayer and even conversation, we can all help the animals through their grief and loss and assure them that their lives, along with their new human friends, will again prosper.
I have been working with other animals, not just the wild animals but domestic pets as well, who also lost loved ones. They need our prayers and healing as much as the people of that region. By taking a few moments to think of them with love and compassion, you will be giving them a great gift; they will feel the energy and healing will spread among them.
Barbara J. Paster practices as an animal communicator, counselor, and healer and teaches workshops in the Phoenix area. 480-231-0042.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.
January 25, 2015
Featured, February/March 2005 Issue, Pets