When all other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or incomplete and we still have painful joints, our teeth should be considered as a source of the pain.
by Dr. Fred G. Arnold —
When it comes to pain in areas of the body, such as the shoulder, low back, hip or knee, most doctors would not consider examining the mouth as a source of musculoskeletal pain. When all other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or incomplete and we still have painful joints, our teeth should be considered as a source of the pain.
Neural therapy
In Germany, 50 percent of all doctors are aware of and practice neural therapy; however, in this country, most doctors have never heard of it. Basically, neural therapy treats a localized area of the body that sends out false electric signals via the autonomic nervous system, which gives rise to a disorder in the body called an interference field.
Probably the most common interference field treated is a scar; however, other examples of interference fields are often found in unlikely places, e.g., in “bad teeth,” or devitalized, displaced, abscessed and root canal teeth.
Tooth chart
Thomas Rau, M.D., the medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus medical clinic in Switzerland, has produced a dental tooth chart that shows the energetic relationships between the teeth and the body. One example of this relationship would be the lower right wisdom tooth (tooth #32), which is energetically related to the shoulder, elbow, outer part of the hand, bottom of the foot, toes and sacroiliac joint. Other energetic relationships of this tooth include the intestines, heart, ear and eye.
Case histories
Recently a patient was referred to me who had experienced chronic jaw pain and headaches for roughly four years. When I inquired about her medical history, including her dental history, she reported that a root canal had been performed approximately four-and-a-half years ago, close to the time her symptoms started.
I explained the practice of neural therapy to her and asked if I could inject a small amount of procaine, an anesthetic, around her root canal tooth. She agreed and, as has happened many times before with other patients, she looked at me strangely when I asked her to sit up and tell me how she was feeling.
She began to cry and told me that 80 percent of her pain had been reduced with the injection. She again told me how she had lived with this pain for these last four years, as no other doctor had been able to determine why she had these problems.
Another example of the energetic relationship between the teeth and the rest of the body involves a chiropractor who experienced symptoms of extreme fatigue and tingling in his right leg that increased to pain and weakness of the leg, six months after having a root canal procedure. Due to the extreme discomfort that resulted when he stood on the leg, he had difficulty walking and standing.
Because his profession required him to stand, he had great difficulty treating patients. Out of desperation he had surgery to the right buttock region in the hope of alleviating the pain enough to allow him to work. When the surgery failed to help his condition, he eventually had to sell his practice.
The relationship between his root canal tooth and leg pain was discovered when he went to a doctor trained in neural therapy who injected a small amount of anesthetic around the tooth. This injection provided temporary relief to his leg, and he then had the root canal and associated infected bone removed. I am very familiar with this patient’s story, because I am the chiropractic patient who experienced these problems.
What both of these patients experienced is referred to as a “lighting reaction,” in which the person experiences an immediate improvement in their painful joint(s) or health condition. Although not everyone has such rapid symptom relief, the response can be immediate if there is an energetic relationship with a bad tooth.
When this energetic connection is found, the patient should be referred to a biological dentist for further evaluation and treatment. Most patients do not like to hear that their bad tooth may have to be removed; however, it has to be treated correctly if their problems are to be resolved.
According to Dr. Michael Margolis, a biological dentist in Mesa, Ariz., “A patient’s symptoms can start immediately or years after a tooth has had a root canal, a mercury filling, multiple metal-based crowns or poorly performed standard-of-care extractions.”
An evaluation of the mouth for bad teeth should be a consideration in chronic painful joint conditions and any long-term illnesses, particularly when surgery has been recommended. Neural therapy may be a tool to identify any bad teeth that may have an energetic relationship to painful body areas. The next step is to see a biological dentist. A true correction of the painful area will not be possible if bad teeth are related to it.
- Dosch, Mathias P., M.D., Atlas of Neural Therapy, Thieme, New York, N.Y., 2003.
- Dosch, Peter, M.D., Manual of Neural Therapy, According to Huneke, Haug Publishers, 1984.
- Rau, Thomas, M.D., Empirical Relationships Between Odontomas and Organs/Diseases, Paracelus Clinic, Lustmuhule, Switzerland.
Fred G. Arnold, D.C., N.M.D., has more than 20 years of clinical experience and specializes in pain rehabilitation services. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Health Care Providers, member of American Academy of Pain Management and is one of the few physicians in the nation with both a naturopathic medical degree and chiropractic degree. phoenixpainrehabilitation.com, prolotherapyphoenix.com or 602-292-2978.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 2, April/May 2013.
May 30, 2013
April/May 2013 Issue, Back pain, Chiropractic, Dental, Energy / energetic medicine, Headache, Health, Health Concerns, Joint pain, Natural medicine and Natural Therapies, Pain