Blatt explores the natural relationship between colors, sounds and moods with a style that bridges many genres.
by Lawrence Blatt
Guitarist and composer, Blatt has been performing his finger-style-guitar compositions for over 30 years. After spending years studying classical music as a violinist, Blatt’s melodic yet intricate interaction of moods that lay beneath his alternate tunings are balanced by careful dynamics and intonation.
In this album he explores the natural relationship between colors, sounds and moods with a style that bridges many genres, including New Age, neo-classical, folk and world music with subtly hinted-at elements that include Latin, Mid-Eastern, jazz, bluegrass, Hawaiian and pop-rock.
He plays a variety of steel- and nylon-string acoustic guitars, acoustic bass, two different Hawaiian ukuleles, a small South American 10-string charango guitar, the occasional keyboard and a variety of percussion.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 3, June/July 2009.
April 16, 2012
Music review