The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe

April 15, 2012

Book review

Through this story, Smoley explores the interplay between consciousness, represented by Shiva, and experience, exemplified by Parvati.

by Richard Smoley

Smoley examines the roles God has played for us and reconciles them with what we today know through science and reason. In the process, he shows that consciousness is the underlying reality beneath everything in the universe.

In one of Hinduism’s great myths, Shiva plays a dice game with his consort, Parvati, and loses consistently. If he is the greatest god, why does he lose?

Through this story, Smoley explores the interplay between consciousness, represented by Shiva, and experience, exemplified by Parvati. He draws on numerous disciplines to offer an illuminating exploration of mind and matter and a provocative understanding of consciousness, the self and the world.

$14.95 — New World Library, 14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 1, February/March 2010.

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