The health dangers of dental fillings

Studies show that every tooth in your mouth actually corresponds with an organ in your body through the energy meridians identified by Chinese medicine and other ancient cultures.
by Dr. David Villarreal —
Most people do not realize that their fillings can be highly dangerous to their overall health. As dentists, we have figuratively decapitated the patient by forgetting that what we place in a person’s mouth has a direct effect on their immune system via the meridian pathways.
If someone has a silver filling, that person’s entire body is burdened by the mercury content in the filling. If they have a porcelain crown, it might contain a nickel-based metal. Mercury and nickel are the heaviest metals on the planet, and mercury is the most toxic. That being said, these fillings are adding yet another burden to our bodies that already have to deal with so many other burdens resulting from diet, environmental pollutions and stress.
Bio-compatible dentistry is at the cutting edge of holistic health care. You can get a blood test for dental material reactivity, which is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance, such as dental materials. Once a dentist has the results, he can use a material that is the least reactive to that person’s personal immune system.
Silver fillings can contain as high as 50 percent mercury. But the traditional way of removing them is potentially a problem. We would not bite into a thermometer because of the mercury it contains. So why is it acceptable to drill out a silver filling, allowing the patient to swallow some of it — even using high speed suction? Strict protocols should be in place to protect the patient, dentist, staff and the environment.
When my office does mercury-filling removal, we wear special gear, including two-valve gas masks, gloves and contamination-free coverings. The patient is provided complete draping, protective eyewear and a rubberized protective covering in the mouth that segregates the excise area from the rest of the soft tissue and teeth.
During the procedure, the patient is provided oxygen and intravenous vitamin C. Heavy metals like mercury are electron scavengers, and we can die when our electrons are depleted. Vitamin C is an electron donor and chelating agent; thus, it super-empowers the immune system during removal.
As the drilling begins, we use a heavy-duty sanitized suction system that ensures that all significant mercury particles are safely contained, and any free radicals — remaining airborne particles — are swept up in the ionizer in the room. Lastly, a mercury separator prevents the mercury from finding its way into the water system and the oceans. The separator is periodically cleared by the EPA for proper disposal.
Silver fillings are not the only immune-damaging fillings you can have. White fillings or composite resins are often problematic because they are made up of a variety of components with different chemical compositions. Composite resins are formulated from a mixture of monomers that are commonly based on bisphenol A diglycidyl ether methacrylate (bis-GMA). It is widely known that it is not good for you. There are also many composite manufacturers, which is why it is wise to get a blood compatibility test to see which ones you are the least reactive to.
Ask your dentist what types of protections he or she uses when removing mercury fillings. You should reserve the right to make your own decisions about such matters. In fact, a holistic dentist’s role is to educate the individual — not to tell you what to do, but rather to give you enough information for you to make decisions that impact your whole health.
Studies show that every tooth in your mouth actually corresponds with an organ in your body through the energy meridians identified by Chinese medicine and other ancient cultures. When you have any dental procedure done, e.g., a root canal, or a tooth filled or pulled, it has implications that go far beyond your mouth.
Be an educated advocate for your health and make sure your dentist considers what happens below the neck.
Dr. David Villarreal is a holistic and biocompatible dentist based in Southern California. He employs a host of procedures that protect patients and the environment in the process., 805-322-7556 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 4, August/September 2015.
September 13, 2015
August/September 2015, Dental, Featured