We are all here to experience love in all its facets, examine it from all sides, and enjoy the bliss, happiness and ecstasy of what love can be.
by Eva-Maria Mora —
Many people ask what is my life’s purpose and what am I supposed to be doing? The answer is fairly simple — we are all here to experience love in all its facets, examine it from all sides, and enjoy the bliss, happiness and ecstasy of what love can be. Yet, at certain times we seem so far away from feeling loved — we experience loneliness, pain, suffering and frustration. This is not the design for our lives.
So, the better question to ask is: How can I access love?
Low self-esteem and lack of self-worth are the biggest blockages to receiving love. Patterns based on past experiences are established and reflect your belief system. If only we could move on, forgive and live in the present.
The next question is: Do you feel lovable?
It is important to focus on the things about yourself that are lovable. If it is difficult to acknowledge these things, remember all the compliments and nice things other people told you. Write them down. Be conscious about the ways in which you are beautiful, and focus there.
We usually have a calendar marking the start of a new year, month, week and day. Can you create a new calendar where you take note of how you loved yourself and others? What did you do for yourself? What are the ways someone else showed you love?
Building a love calendar allows you to focus on love in your life. Why not try focusing on love in its many forms? Start with yourself, and get out of the hole.
When you live love, you are like a magnet that constantly attracts more love. The result is that you will definitely be living your purpose.
Eva-Maria Mora is the founder of Quantum-Angel Therapy®, and a clairvoyant medical intuitive with an MBA. She is a personal coach, a spiritual advisor and a certified Quantum Touch instructor. She holds a degree in psychotherapy and is a certified healing practitioner. She was trained by Doreen Virtue in AngelTherapy and Mediumship. 480-200-7580 or www.quantumangel.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
May 28, 2013
Bliss, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Happiness, Healing, Love and Relationships, Mental Health, Self-esteem, Self-improvement