This is a groundbreaking musical journey that helps the listener deeply touch his/her essential inner feminine
The Return of Nuwa
by Pilgrim —
This is a groundbreaking musical journey that helps the listener deeply touch his/her essential inner feminine by harkening back musically to earlier times and civilizations when we were more connected and balanced. But it does so with 21st century technology and musical sensibilities.
The eight sections follow the eight kua of the Chinese I Ching, expressing the relationship of humanity with the earth and the aspects of the rebalancing of the masculine and feminine energies within us.
Includes musical fragrances of Central Russia, the Jewish and Romany cultural traditions, Afro-Peruvian drumming, Flamenco guitar, and other World Music elements that could be described as Tribal Funk.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 6, December 2007/January 2008.
February 7, 2016
CDs, December/January 2008, Music review