Having nothing to defend and being comfortable in our own skin is a beautiful place to be — it allows us to act with clarity and impeccable intent.
by John English —
Many of us have received a lot of instruction about the divine feminine, which has resulted in bringing beauty into many of our lives. There is, however, very little teaching about the sacred masculine. The sacred masculine is mentioned so infrequently that most of us might ask, “What is it?”
Masculine energy is simply the energy of action and intention. When we align our intentions with our higher selves, they become impeccable and we are then using sacred masculine energy. When we take the time to go within to make sure our actions are heart-centered, we are using sacred masculine energy. Quite simply, sacred masculine energy is the energy of intention and action that is surrounded by the all-encompassing presence of the divine feminine.
Many of us have taken stock recently about where we are collectively as a species, and we have come to the conclusion that some changes are in order if we are going to continue to survive on this beautiful planet of ours. So often, the masculine — or more precisely, men — are blamed for many of the problems we face today, such as war, the environment, corporate greed and a host of other situations in which we find ourselves.
To some extent this is true. However, the destructive energy that has resulted in the problems we now collectively face is more evil than it is masculine. When we collectively decide to embark on the path of the sacred masculine, that heart-centered intention and action will enable us to more quickly remove many of the troubles we now face.
Take a moment now and imagine how much of a difference it will make in our world when our actions are surrounded with the feminine quality of making decisions based on how they will affect future generations. This is why the women are the long-term decision makers in many of the indigenous tribes. Women bring life into this world, so when they use masculine energy to make a decision, they are always thinking about the long-term effects any action will have on the children.
Every man and woman has both a feminine and a masculine principle. By balancing these two principles within us, our lives take on a special quality — a resonance of beauty and harmony where we have nothing to prove or defend, and feel comfortable in our own skin.
Having nothing to defend and being comfortable in our own skin is a beautiful place to be — it allows us to act with clarity and impeccable intent.
John English is a shamanic healer and author of The Shift: An Awakening. He conducts private sessions and workshops about destiny and the dreamtime, shamanic healing, journeying and the medicine wheel. 480-473-8957 or www.dreamtimeonline.com.
January 9, 2013
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Family, Parenting, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical