The secret that helped me become a bestseller

Visualize what you love and where you want to go. Once you have that vision, work toward it on a daily basis.
by Kim Staflund —
When Australian television producer Rhonda Byrne released The Secret in 2006, it inspired millions of people across the world and from all walks of life, and I was one of them.
I read Byrne’s books and then researched others who had success, as well as those who did not. I wanted to know why visualization worked for some people but came up short for others. A pivotal moment came for me when I saw a video clip of Oprah Winfrey interviewing Jim Carrey in the late 1990s about how he made his own dreams come true using these techniques. His interview really resonated within me. Winfrey made the comment, “Visualization works if you work hard,” to which Carrey agreed, “You cannot just visualize and then go eat a sandwich.”
I have always believed in the power of love and gratitude. Now, I have firsthand experience with the power of visualization, and I want to pay it forward. This technique worked for me. It is not magic. It is a system of believing. I put my heart and soul into it, and two months later I saw my name on a bestseller list as detailed in my “Secret Story of the Week.”
Here is how to make it work for you. You need to feel gratitude for where you are in your life right now. Really feel it. Yes, we all have a road we want to travel tomorrow — but we also have to appreciate where we are standing today. Give thanks for all you have.
Visualize what you love and where you want to go. Once you have that vision, work toward it on a daily basis. This cannot be a random, when-you-feel-like-it approach to life. When you want something badly enough, work toward it. Do not lose sight of your intended horizon.
Practice gratitude and visualization each day. I intensified mine in the weeks leading up to my greatest milestone — seeing my name on a bestseller list. I practiced sessions twice daily, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It certainly did the trick.
As an author, I am also an entrepreneur. Holding your career in your own hands can be overwhelming, and every person must take actions in order to make their dreams come true. But when you have the right perspective — when you know the secret — you can enjoy the journey.
Kim Staflund is the founder and publisher at Polished Publishing Group and author of Successful Selling Tips for Introverted Authors. She is on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 35, Number 1, February/March 2016.
March 20, 2016
Featured, February/March 2016 issue, Gratitude