The significance of consciously forgiving

You can release life’s traumas and be free of harmful people or experiences and the ways they have influenced your life.
by Sherry Anshara —
Forgiveness can be a challenge. Why? Because in the conventional forgiveness equation, the forgiver can still remain the victim.
How does that happen? Since your memory stores every event you’ve ever experienced, your body remembers even when you forget or try to forget. The forgetting process is your body’s way of survival. Nevertheless, the subconscious memory of being a victim influences your daily life, although you may not be fully aware of it. Buried deep somewhere in your body’s unconscious is the imprinted experience of being the victim of a person or event in your life.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can release life’s traumas and be free of harmful people or experiences and the ways they have influenced your life. A practical, empowering means of forgiving exists that is neither radical nor painful. It will restore your power from the inside out. Your body, soul, spirit, mind and every cell will rejoice.
Forgiveness simply means for you “to give” yourself the opportunity to exist as an observer only, no longer a participant or victim. You return to the past and see that the person who inflicted the harm — whether parent, sibling, teacher or anyone “outside” of you — was more afraid than you. Whoever they were, they didn’t know who you were. They were terrified that you would catch on and discover that they were more afraid than you. Because of their fear, they ruled you through control and manipulation.
Remember, more often than not, at the time of the experience you didn’t have the power, awareness or the words to tell them “no” or “stop,” especially if you were a child when the trauma occurred. In childhood, every adult represented an authority external to you, who was supposed to know more than you. They were supposed to know everything.
What everyone has forgotten — because of their emotional attachments to the experiences — is the Contract and the Script. Regardless of how much time has passed, these emotional bonds can remain attached to the person, event and experience — forever.
As you shift into the observer role, you will see that you and the other person or persons wrote each other into the Script. As the observer, you can now understand the lesson. You can see why you chose your parents or siblings, or how you chose to participate with that person in the experience. In this observer moment, you can release the emotional bonds you have been holding inside your body.
When you consciously release these ties as the observer, you are letting go — forever. You and your future are no longer connected to the past. Forgiveness happens naturally. You and your body are free.
Sherry Anshara, founder of QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and originator of The QuantumPathic Energy Medicine Methodology, has a practice in Scottsdale, Ariz., [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 2, April/May 2005.
April 27, 2014
April/May 2005 Issue, Featured, Self-improvement