The alignment of our solar system with the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the approaching end of the Mayan calendar are upon us.
by John English —
It is nice for all of us to have a chance to connect around the time of a planetary alignment. Some of us have been waiting many years for this, and in some cases, our entire lives. The alignment of our solar system with the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the approaching end of the Mayan calendar are upon us. How exciting the end of this year is going to be.
Please join me in thanking AZ Net News and Joanne Henning Tedesco for helping all of us to connect over the years through a valuable web of information about how to live as empowered human beings. Her dedication has been unwavering and extremely appreciated. It has been people like Joanne who have helped us all stay connected as we approach this incredible time.
The current alignment will occur on the winter solstice, which is the most yin or feminine time of the year. It is the best time to focus on receiving, as we hit the zero point at the center of the galaxy. In addition to all the potential, unlimited energy and power exist at the zero point. All we have to do is focus on it.
Here is a plan for how to receive the best for yourself and others at this important time. Focus on all the qualities you want in your life. Passionately hold in your mind and heart your dreams for yourself, your loved ones and humanity at large.
Maintain this focus right up to the solstice on December 21, 2012. On that day, focus on receiving. For two weeks after the solstice, embody fully in your mind and heart the gratitude for having received it all. Focus on being grateful for the wonderful gift of life.
A beautiful, important and powerful time is upon us. The onus is on us to embrace the One Power that placed us here on earth at this time and to dream a beautiful future for humanity. Namasté.
John English is an award-winning author of three books. He teaches on a variety of subjects and is available for private sessions. He is also the creator of the Lifetime Learning Community at DreamtimeOnline.com. www.dreamtimeonline.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 6, December 2012/January 2013.
February 17, 2013
Astrology, December/January 2013 Issue, Gratitude, Lifestyle, Self-improvement, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical