The STD Health Crisis

Medical clinics offer testing for some STDs. While antibiotics can stop some STDs, such as syphilis and most gonorrhea, nearly all other STDs do not respond well to any medical treatment.
by Dr. Larry Wilson —
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a tragic and emormous health problem in the Western world. Even if they cause few obvious symptoms, they deplete the body nutritionally and contribute to many of today’s major health problems.
More than any other illnesses, STDs are the subject of misinformation from the media and the medical profession. One might think they are benign, harmless and easily treatable; yet the truth is just the opposite.
What are the STDs?
They include:
1. Bacterial diseases — bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, chanchroid, gonorrhea, syphilis and mucopurulent cervicitis.
2. Viral diseases — human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); lymphogranuloma venereum; molluscum contagion; human papilloma virus; various strains of herpes simplex and herpes zoster; hepatitis types A, B and C; and viral pelvic inflammatory disease.
3. Parasitic diseases — pubic lice or “crabs,” scabies, trichomoniasis and, at times, various flat and round worms, amoebas, giardia lamblia and other parasites that transmit easily from person to person.
4. Fungal and mycobacterial diseases — yeast infections, mycobacterial tuberculosis and others.
5. Interstitial cystitis — This very unpleasant bladder problem in women causes pain upon urination and sometimes during sex. Doctors usually cannot find the cause and have no cure for it.
Symptoms of STDs
Following are brief descriptions of the symptoms of some STDs.
Chlamydia — This bacterial infection may be difficult to detect because early-stage infections often cause few or no signs and symptoms. Symptoms usually start one to three weeks after exposure. They may include painful urination, lower abdominal pain, vaginal discharge in women, discharge from the penis in men, pain in women during sexual intercourse and testicular pain in men.
Gonorrhea — The first symptoms generally appear within two to 10 days after exposure. However, some people may be infected for months before signs or symptoms occur. Signs and symptoms may include a thick, cloudy or bloody discharge from the penis or vagina, pain or burning sensation when urinating, abnormal menstrual bleeding, painful bowel movements, anal itching and painful, swollen testicles. Some strains of gonorrhea cannot be treated with any medications.
Trichomoniasis — This is caused by a microscopic, one-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. The organism usually infects the urinary tract in men but often causes no symptoms. In women, it typically infects the vagina. Signs and symptoms may include a clear, white, greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge, strong vaginal odor, itching or irritation of the vagina or penis, discharge from the penis, pain during sexual intercourse and painful urination.
HIV — This virus interferes with the body’s ability to effectively fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause disease. It can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), a chronic, life-threatening disease.
Early HIV infection causes few symptoms. Some people develop a flu-like illness, usually two to six weeks after being infected. Other early signs and symptoms are fever, headache, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, rash or fatigue.
These early signs and symptoms usually disappear within a week to a month and are often mistaken for those of another viral infection. During this period, HIV is highly transmittable.
The later symptoms of HIV infection may not appear for 10 years or more after the initial infection. These symptoms may include fatigue, night sweats, chills, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, cough and shortness of breath. Death can occur, but it is usually from other infections due to an impaired immune response.
Genital herpes — This is highly contagious and caused by a type of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Signs and symptoms may include small red bumps, blisters (vesicles) or open sores (ulcers) in the genital, anal and nearby areas, and pain or itching around the genital area, buttocks and inner thighs. Symptoms usually come and go repeatedly. During a flare-up, one may also experience headache and flu-like symptoms. Modern medicine has no cure for most herpes infections.
Genital warts (HPV infection) — This is one of the most common types of STDs. Signs and symptoms include small, flesh-colored or gray swellings on the vagina, penis or in the mouth or throat if one has had oral sex. Several warts close together can take on a cauliflower shape. Itching or discomfort in the genital area and bleeding during intercourse may also occur.
Medical drugs are rarely effective. I strongly recommend avoiding the HPV vaccine, Gardasil®. It often does not work, and it can have serious side effects, including death.
Hepatitis — Hepatitis types A, B and C are all contagious viral infections that affect the liver. Signs and symptoms occur after several weeks and may include fatigue; nausea and vomiting; abdominal pain or discomfort, especially near the liver; loss of appetite; fever; dark urine; muscle or joint pain; itching; yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice); and later cirrhosis and death. No effective medical treatment exists for most hepatitis. I do not recommend the hepatitis vaccine. It is not necessarily effective and can have serious side effects.
Syphilis — This is a very debilitating infection if left untreated. Signs and symptoms occur in several stages. The first symptom is usually a small, painless sore (chancre) on the part of the body where the infection was transmitted, which is usually on the genitals, rectum, tongue or lips. This goes away, but the disease progresses inside the body.
The second phase of syphilis causes a rash marked by red or reddish-brown penny-sized sores over any area of the body, including the palms and soles, fever, fatigue and a vague feeling of discomfort, soreness and aching. This also goes away in a few weeks, but the disease continues to progress.
Tertiary syphilis, the late stage of the disease, causes meningitis and other neurological problems, poor muscle coordination, numbness, paralysis, deafness or visual problems. Personality changes and dementia also are possible. Cardiovascular problems include aneurysms and heart valve degeneration. Today, more people than one might imagine contract syphilis through sexual transmission. However, doctors are unaccustomed to seeing it, so it often goes undiagnosed. It continues to progress slowly, impairing the brain and nervous system.
Also, a pregnant mother-to-be can easily pass on the disease to her unborn infant, causing disability or death to the child.
Antibiotics can eradicate most syphilis if it is diagnosed and caught in time.

Medical clinics offer testing for some STDs. While antibiotics can stop some STDs, such as syphilis and most gonorrhea, nearly all other STDs do not respond well to any medical treatment.
Preventing STDs
STDs are not too difficult to prevent, and prevention is definitely best. Simple methods that work well are:
1. Avoid casual sex. Stay in monogamous sexual relationships.
2. Do not believe anyone who says he or she does not have any sexually transmitted diseases. Many people are unaware they have them, and others may lie about it.
3. Avoid oral and anal sex, as these can transmit more diseases.
4. Condoms provide some but certainly not total protection against STDs. Birth control pills and patches, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and diaphragms provide no protection whatsoever.
5. Stay out of hot tubs. They are breeding grounds for STDs, even when they are sanitized properly. I also recommend avoiding public swimming pools for the same reason.
6. Locker room benches, public bathrooms and shower knobs can transmit disease.
7. General cleanliness. Wash your hands when you return from going out. Bathe regularly. Never rub your eyes without washing your hands first. If you wear clothing belonging to another person, wash it first.
Healing STDs
Medical clinics offer testing for some STDs. While antibiotics can stop some STDs, such as syphilis and most gonorrhea, nearly all other STDs do not respond well to any medical treatment.
My experience of more than 33 years is that a complete nutritional balancing program will slow down the progression of all STDs and can get rid of many of them entirely. Along with a nutritional balancing diet, lifestyle and supplement program, detoxification procedures are very important. These include daily coffee enemas, daily vaginal coffee implants, near-infrared lamp sauna therapy, foot reflexology and the Roy Masters’ meditation exercise with my modification.
Additionally, other methods to eradicate STDs are:
1. For very recent infections, paint the infection site with fresh garlic juice. To do this, one must squeeze fresh garlic with a garlic press and apply the juice to a cotton swab that is brushed over the infection site.
2. Take a peroxide and ozone bath two or three times a week for several months. Buy some 35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide and pour two to four cups of it in a hot bath that just covers your legs. Use as much as you can without it burning. To add ozone, you will need an ozone generator. Place the output tube inside the vagina or right next to the penis and let it bubble ozone throughout the area.
Beware: Do not use other nutritional supplements, herbs or homeopathic remedies with a nutritional balancing program. All of these remedies are quite yin, and healing these infections requires making the body much more yang. As a result, these remedies often get in the way, even if they have anti-infective properties.
Causes of the STD epidemic
Causes include the widespread use of birth control pills and IUDs that do not provide any protection against STDs. Another cause is loose sexual behavior. Also, in some cases, deliberate attacks are made to infect people with STDs, especially women, through rape and other methods.
Women are more vulnerable to STDs
This occurs because of women’s anatomy. The diseases are harbored inside a warm, moist environment that is perfect for their development. Also, because they are less visible, many women do not realize they have an infection. Even with a vaginal examination with a speculum by an experienced doctor or nurse, it can be easy to miss some of them.
Casual sex is almost a guarantee of infection
According to medical statistics, 50 percent or more of girls ages 15 to 29 have a sexually transmitted disease. The statistics for boys are similar or, perhaps, worse. This means that casual sex is extremely likely to give you diseases that are difficult to heal. Please keep this in mind before “experimenting” with sex.
It sounds very old-fashioned, but monogamous relationships are the best answer to avoid contracting an STD.
Website myths
The following myths are reported on many prestigious websites, including Planned Parenthood.
Myth 1. STDs are not that bad. This is the biggest falsehood of all. Some doctors and many websites minimize the problem of STDs. They admit that STDs exist but downplay their harm and how easily transmittable they are.
Myth 2. Condoms are good protection against many STDs. This is not true. Condoms slip off, sometimes break and do not cover the entire genital area. Also, during sex, an exchange of bodily fluids usually occurs that includes sweat, saliva and some blood at times from tiny cuts due to just normal touching and kissing, for example.
Myth 3. Oral or anal sex does not transmit STDs. Actually, they can transmit many more diseases than sexual intercourse.
Myth 4. Most STDs are easy to detect and treat. This is not true at all. Even an experienced doctor can easily miss an STD if it is not in an active stage or because the infection is confined to a small area.
Once an STD is identified, many are not easy to get rid of using conventional medical methods. Fortunately, most are fairly treatable if one follows a complete nutritional balancing program for a few years and takes peroxide and ozone baths several times a week for at least a few months.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree, has been in the health field for more than 33 years and is the author of several books. or 928-445-7690.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 6, December 2014/January 2015.
December 8, 2014
December/January 2015 Issue, Featured, Sex, STDs