This book is a revolutionary call to overthrow society’s mental controls and expand consciousness for the greater good of all humanity.
by Kingsley L. Dennis —
Assessing the ways modern societies limit consciousness and keep humanity obedient and distracted from their inner lives, Dennis presents an eye-opening investigation of the ways our minds have been programmed to preserve incumbent power structures and their rules.
He exposes the tactics employed for thousands of years by the elite to control our minds, including misinformation and propaganda, debt systems, consumerism, religious doctrine, scientific authority, economic uncertainties, fear of terrorist attacks and armageddon, distraction through entertainment and technology, as well as the false belief that we are separate from nature and the Divine.
Despite these obstacles, humanity is awakening to culture’s imposed limits on perception through an accelerating rise in collective empathy and awareness.
Exploring the biology of consciousness, Dennis reveals the emerging mechanisms for neurogenetic evolution within the brains of gifted individuals, psychics and visionaries, and the coming increases in solar and magnetic energies that will activate them within all of us.
Explaining how we can free up mental and emotional energy to break through the barriers inhibiting conscious evolution, he shows that by taking back our minds and changing the way we think, we can restore our connection with nature and the Divine and lead humanity into a new age of harmony and awareness.
This is a revolutionary call to overthrow society’s mental controls and expand consciousness for the greater good of humanity.
$18.95 — Inner Traditions, One Park Avenue, Rochester, VT 05767.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 4, August/September 2012.
August 10, 2012
Book review