Next time you see a pink ribbon, think love, think compassion, think radiant health, and we will experience more of this in our world and in our own lives.
by Dee Munsterman —
When my son was in kindergarten, he informed me one morning that he was required to wear pink to school that day. I had read the bulletin so I knew the reason for this but was curious what he was being taught. As I stapled a pink paper heart to his blue T-shirt (the most creative I could be at 6:30 a.m.), I asked him what pink meant. He replied, “Cancer.”
This resulted in a “teachable moment” that I would like to share with you. As a metaphysician and life coach, I believe and bear witness to a powerful truth: Thoughts become things. While I understand the good intentions behind these pink-ribbon events that are sweeping our nation, let us look at what is really happening. Since we have become more aware of breast cancer, more women than ever before are getting breast cancer.
Now, you might think that more money being raised is a good thing, but where is it really going? This “awareness” is making the pharmaceutical companies rich and, do not be fooled, the American Cancer Society is big business.
When my son had testicular cancer, his oncologist confided, “I have being doing this for 30 years. With all the millions of dollars being donated to cancer research, you would think they would have come up with something new. I have used the same chemotherapy drugs my entire career.” The doctor looked tired and defeated. My son survived in spite of the horrible treatment, I believe, because his thoughts and our prayers were more powerful than the drugs.
A few years ago, we witnessed congresswoman Gabby Giffords make a miraculous recovery — the doctors could not explain it. Could it be the prayers of millions of people wishing her wellness? I believe so. I also heard her husband being interviewed by Diane Sawyer during which he said, “Gabby was worried about being shot all the time. We discussed this on a regular basis.” Hmmmm!
I am writing this out of a desire to raise a different awareness, not to lay blame or make anyone feel guilty. When we know better, we do better. Most of the teachers and administrators at my son’s school have very good intentions. I am grateful for the love and kindness they shower on the children.
Let us remember how one of the greatest teachers that ever walked this planet healed the sick and saw everyone as perfect and healthy. He focused on their light and the perfection in which they were created. And they healed. If we all focused on the light in ourselves and in each other, our health care crises would end, not to mention war.
Praying is not something we do only on Sunday mornings. Every thought is a prayer. Focused thoughts become things. Worrying is praying for what we do not want.
Let us teach our children the true meaning of the color pink. Next time you see a pink ribbon, think love, think compassion, think radiant health, and we will experience more of this in our world and in our own lives.
Dee Munsterman, owner of Dee Munsterman Colon Hydrotherapy LLC, has degrees in both biology and metaphysics. She is a colon hydrotherapist, public speaker, entrepreneur, life coach, former personal trainer and classroom teacher. www.phoenixcolonhydrotherapy.com or 480-689-7744.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 3, June/July 2013.
June 10, 2013
Cancer, Children and Teens, Parenting, School related