by Susan Torres —

Children laugh and play without a care in the world. They simply know all their needs will be met. They unconditionally love and trust their parents to provide for them.
There was a time when we looked at life in wonder. Everything was good. Then, it was as if one day we woke up and stopped smelling the flowers, ceased blowing bubbles, quit playing tag — and life was suddenly no longer fun.
Have you ever stopped and looked into the eyes of an infant or child at play, longing to be young again? Children laugh and play without a care in the world. They simply know all their needs will be met. They unconditionally love and trust their parents to provide for them.
As we grow up, responsibility enters the picture, and parents no longer meet our every need. We feel we are on our own, and we begin to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We start to fret and worry about everything. We constantly drill ourselves with questions like “What if this?” and “What if that?” Consequently, we build towers of fear and doubt in ourselves, just as the engine on an old train would build up enough steam to become the driving force and total power behind it all.
Have we truly forgotten that we are not alone? Are we not taught by all religions that God is our father, creator and friend? That infinite spirit, the Universe, the All in All, the Alpha and the Omega, or simply God, handles our every need if we will only unconditionally trust and love again.
How great life can be if we would only believe as we were taught, and live like children who trust and love our spiritual parent, God. Right now, we can make a commitment to do just that — and once more live through the eyes of a child.
Susan Torres is an ordained minister, certified spiritual counselor, and Reiki master teacher and practitioner. 602-548-1313.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 3, June/July 2005.
February 15, 2014
Fear, Parenting, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical