So much time is spent thinking about yesterday or planning for tomorrow that we forget all about today.
by Mary M. Ernsberger —
Every year, sometime between December 1 and January 31 of the next year, a strange energy permeates this planet. The energy is created by the amount of time spent thinking about what we have or have not accomplished over the last 11 months and our plans for the next 12. Additionally, we must fit in our plans for the holidays and — oh, yes — we must not forget those New Year’s resolutions.
So much time is spent thinking about yesterday or planning for tomorrow that we forget all about today. So far, science has not figured out how to go back in time and change yesterday or go forward so we can see how tomorrow will turn out. Today is the day for action, a day to say or do something nice for someone; a day to create from scratch — from dawn to dark.
Have you ever given much thought to how much energy it takes to create a day? Think about it for a few minutes.
As most of you are aware, your body (and everything else in the universe) is just energy in motion (E-motion). Energy vibrates at different frequencies, depending on where it is in relationship to the vibration of this physical, three-dimensional world in which we live.
Ask yourself if you are vibrating at your highest potential frequency. Or, does the time spent thinking about yesterday and worrying about tomorrow lower your vibration? How you respond to each situation you experience says a lot about how you feel about yourself. Our perceptions, or the way we see, hear and feel about things, is directly related to how we see and feel about ourselves. This, in turn, controls the frequency at which we vibrate.
How often have you walked into a room or been introduced to a person and something just did not “feel right?” When that happens, you are picking up on the energy the other person is emitting, or the energy that has remained in a room, even after everyone has left. The stronger the emo-tion or the more intense the feeling, the longer that energy remains after you leave a space. This also directly relates to the energy field surrounding our bodies and the type of energy we send to others with whom we come in contact, including our children.
Children are like sponges and mirrors. They absorb, internalize and then reflect back the energy, or e-motion, they receive from others. This can be seen, heard and felt in both the home and school environments. If mom or dad is stressed, “Junior” is likely to exhibit the same stress — only in what will appear to be a more dramatic fashion. If Junior’s teacher is stressed, then Junior will reflect that same stressed-out attitude from his classroom. This behavior pattern requires us to examine our individual response factors.
Children have experienced far fewer life lessons than adults have and, therefore, they have a smaller selection of responses or experiences from which to draw. So when an adult responds to a child in dramatic fashion, the child will reflect that response back to the adult — and the drama grows. When an adult raises his or her voice or yells at a child, the child will raise his voice or yell back at the adult. Do you see where this is leading? A vicious circle is underway, and it is up to the adult to stop the rotation.
As the adult, it is within your power to create the type of experience and response you want from your children or students. The choice is yours.
Mary M. Ernsberger is a master hypnotherapist and life path coach who creates individual drug-free treatment options for children and adults labeled as ADD/ADHD, gifted or exceptional. 480-343-9555, [email protected] or www.hypno4kids.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 6, December 2006/January 2007.
October 27, 2012
Anger, Anxiety, Children and Teens, Family, Self-improvement, Stress