Awakening of the Consciousness is an attempt to achieve psychological evolution, to attain enlightenment or to arrive at self-realization.
by Susie Avila —
Have you ever questioned yourself about who you really are? Do you know the divine purpose for which you were created and what exactly you are doing in this world? Have you unveiled the mystery of your existence?
Life itself is a mystery. Humanity has made great advancements in science, medicine, technology, cybernetics, etc. In the arena of science, we have discovered how to clone living creatures and we’ve traveled to other planets in our solar system, but have we discovered the mystery of our own existence?
Even though humankind knows how to conquer foreign lands and civilizations, we seem to have forgotten one of the primordial reasons for existence — we’ve forgotten the importance of our own internal discovery, otherwise known as the Awakening of the Consciousness.
What is Awakening of the Consciousness? Awakening of the Consciousness is an attempt to achieve psychological evolution, to attain enlightenment or to arrive at self-realization. In the world of Maya — the world of illusion — ego develops, which brings most beings into suffering, delusion and bondage to the material, three-dimensional world. The ego controls our consciousness, leaving us exposed to the world of illusion or fantasy. Maya keeps us from seeing divinity and the ultimate reality, which is the only thing that can liberate us from Maya’s hypnotic forces and enable us to discover the ultimate reality of existence.
Knowing who we are, where we come from and where we are going is essential to our own evolvement. The Greeks say, “Om nocete insum” — “Man, know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods.”
In order to arrive at self-knowledge, we must dedicate more time to internal development. The psychology of self-knowledge is one technique that can provide valuable tools to initiate the journey into your own internal world, to discover the psychological elements residing in your psyche. In this way, you can begin polishing your life until it gloriously transforms into a more enlightened soul.
Remember that the human body is a sacred temple where God wants to officiate. Inside each human resides raw matter to be discovered, developed and purified to eventually fuse with the divinity. The Mayan codes say, “The gods made humankind in their own likeness, except that humans were made of ‘wood’ in order for them to eventually fuse with divinity — but in the end, only some of them were able to link.”
As one reaches enlightenment, the veil covering one’s eyes is removed and the eternal secret that was unseen becomes visible. The world of Maya vanishes, and that which is called God — he who is the alive, the flame that burns in every human heart and in the center of the stars, he who is the provider of life and wisdom — can be seen. And finally, one can discover the mystery of their existence.
Susie Avila is a gnostic anthropology instructor, who graduated from the Gnostic Institute of Anthropology of Saint George, Quebec in Canada. Gnostic Institute of Anthropology, a non-profit organization in Phoenix, Ariz., offers free classes on meditation, yoga, metaphysics and philosophy. [email protected] or 602-373-8980.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 4, August/September 2005.
October 29, 2013
Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical