Now is the time to choose action from within our hearts, minds and hands. That means doing what we can do to bring forth from our creativity therapeutic work to help and heal the planet.
by Rochelle Sparrow —
As I was jogging with my husband the other day, it was a typical day with sparkling sunshine flowing in front of our shoes on the sidewalk. However, my husband hardly seemed to notice the beauty because he was agitated over the political conditions in Iraq. His agitaition was clearly justified, as people overall in our country want peace. The question is how to achieve it.
It occurred to me as we talked that many people, not only my husband, are getting caught up in their anger. So caught up, in fact, that they forget that such intense emotions can overrule us, eroding our true goals and motivations.
Overtaken by anger, people often feel victimized, powerless and hopeless. But there is another choice for creating reality. Perhaps we can detach from our anger, place it in its proper perspective and recognize its value as a motivator toward action.
Why war? Polarities are often presented in our human dimension as clarifying elements that help us come to terms with the outcomes we ultimately desire from our experiences in life.
If, somehow, we have concluded that we are too busy or too involved in our own lives to act, or if we feel too insignificant, then we have already arrived at a conclusion about our relationship with the presented polarity. We succumb, believing we are victims. As a result, we release our power toward the very destruction we may consciously say we do not want. Nevertheless, we do hold in our hearts, minds and hands the ability to act from within our power — and change the unwanted results.
I reminded my husband that none of us are victims here. We all have 360 degrees of choice, in terms of our reactions. How do you choose to respond? Are you going to get angry and give up? Or are there other realities from which to balance your knowing and use of emotions in a constructive way? Is there room to recognize your value, your significance and your power?
Now is the time to choose action from within our hearts, minds and hands. That means doing what we can do to bring forth from our creativity therapeutic work to help and heal the planet. If it is a choice between anger and healing, the answer is simple.
Recommended reading: Reinventing the Wheel — The Universal Wheel: Tool of Global Unity, by Meria Heller.
Rochelle Sparrow, MSW, LCSW, is a psychic trance channel, author and media personality who provides seminars and classes. www.rochellesparrow.com; [email protected] or or 602-430-6447.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
September 20, 2013
Anger, Creativity, Decision / Indecision, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Peace / peace of mind