Remember how some events seemed so much more important than others? For your parents, maybe it was your first step, your first word, your first everything. Perhaps for yourself, it is your first date, your first kiss or your first love that holds your fondest memories.
by Sherry Anshara —
Have you ever thought about counting how many people you have met in your lifetime? Ever counted how many people have influenced you? Reflect back through your life and examine your myriad experiences with all the people you have met, from the minute you were born to this very moment.
What you will see are the special teachers, family members, friends, acquaintances and even strangers who affected your life, in both positive and negative ways. Some may have helped you change the course of your life, even if you did not understand their role for you at the time you knew them.
Have you ever thought about how many people you have affected or influenced in your lifetime? Even with a simple act of kindness you may have offered a stranger? Did you ever consider that your thoughtfulness might have changed someone’s life in a positive way?
Reflect back on all the events of your lifetime, from your infancy through your childhood, teenage years and adulthood, that were so important to you across all those ages and stages of life. Remember how some events seemed so much more important than others? For your parents, maybe it was your first step, your first word, your first everything. Perhaps for yourself, it is your first date, your first kiss or your first love that holds your fondest memories.
As you look back, can you see how extraordinary you were? You created every one of those experiences through your journey. No one else could have created them better than you. You created even the situations that were challenging, because you are the one who wrote those incredible contracts and individual agreements with all the people you have encountered along your journey, including your parents, your family, your friends and even your perceived enemies. How amazing that all these people agreed to participate with you, and you with them, creating the contracts that have illuminated your journey.
It it not a wonder that you did not always see the “fine print?” It’s in the fine print where we find the answers to the question: “What the heck are these contracts all about?”
As soon as you see how divine the contracts are, regardless of their particular challenges, you understand the fortitude and endurance it takes to write the kinds of outlandish agreements that raise your consciousness and grow yourself up spiritually, through the experiences you so beautifully engineered for yourself. The more conscious you become that you are an Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, the better your ability to make new agreements for yourself. You are the author of your life. From the nothingness of a blank page, you create the totality of your life.
Reexamine your old contracts and take time to write new ones that hold more benefits for yourself. Become more conscious about those with whom you make your agreements. Write delicious contracts for yourself that are yummy for your life. Make all the print bold and delete all the fine print. Since you are the author, be sure to include in your new contracts everything you love.
Sherry Anshara, founder of QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and originator of The QuantumPathic Energy Medicine Methodology, has a practice in Scottsdale, Ariz. Author of The Age of Inheritance: The Activation of the 13th Chakras, Sherry hosts “On the Air with Sherry Anshara” on AchieveRadio.com. www.quantumpathic.com, [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
August 2, 2013
Relationships, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical