Let go of the stifling fear. You may be the next success story or the paradigm shifter who makes a difference.
by Sherry Anshara —
“Your vision will become clear only when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” This fabulous quote by Carl Jung says it all. The reality is … it is an inside job.
There is no doubt that right here and right now, there are enormous fears permeating the planet — not just globally and nationally, but locally as well. Everyone seems to be waiting for something to happen outside of themselves. Intrinsically though, we know that everything that happens to us is an inside job.
You, as a collective consciousness, and you, as a part of the outside collective consciousness, are the creativity and the creator of your life, no matter what is going on outside. You have a choice as to how you participate with (or don’t) the outside collective known as “they.” Sometimes it is much easier to have convenient amnesia.
What have we learned from history? Do today’s issues affect tomorrow’s results? Below are some headlines from Time magazine over the last 30 years. Do they sound familiar? Do they sound as scary yesterday as they do up to present? Is it Time magazine after Time magazine, time after time?
Are we getting the picture, or pictures? What is real, and what isn’t? That’s the million-dollar question. Even during the Depression, millionaires were made. But it isn’t just about being a millionaire; it is about stability, good health, healthy relationships and creating your own life.
Fear destabilizes life, upsetting the health and relationships of anyone who allows it to affect them. It takes courage to stand up to the fear. The fact is that the molecules of fear are physically very dense, heavy and restrictive, and they block the creative process.
The stories are always the same. Are you willing to buy the same old, same old, or to begin to create your life as you choose it, not as determined by the media? This is the best time to create, implement and manifest in your life because it is the time in which you live, for better or worse. Right here, right now — it’s the only time that counts.
Let go of the stifling fear. Look inside yourself. You may be the one whose innovative spirit creates a new product or industry, bringing prosperity to yourself, your family, your community and beyond. You may be the next success story or the paradigm shifter who makes a difference.
We can’t change the past, but individually and collectively we can change the future. Let’s reflect on these past headlines and not make them the future. Time really is on our side, if we see the past for what it is … a lesson we can choose to learn from. The future is just one minute from now. Our future is what we make it, and time is on our side.
Time headlines
- 1974: “Energy Crunch: Real or Phony?”
- 1975: “Doctoring the Economy, What will work?”
- 1979: “The Energy Mess”
- 1981: “The Ax Falls”
- 1982: “Unemployment, the Biggest Worry;” “Interest Rate Anguish”
- 1984: “That Monster Deficit, America’s Banks Awash in Troubles”
- 1986: “High Tech Wall Street, Is It Good for America?”
- 1987: “The Crash”
- 1990: “High Anxiety (Looming Recession, Government Paralysis and the Threat of War are Giving Americans a Case of the Jitters)”
- 1992: “The Recession — How Bad Is It?”
- 1998: “Is the Boom Over?”
- 2001: “How to Survive the Slump?”
- 2008: “Surviving the Lean Economy”
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and creator of QuantumPathic Energy Methods in Scottsdale, Ariz. 480-609-0874 or www.quantumpathic.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 6, December 2008/January 2009.
August 30, 2012
Career and employment, Creativity, Depression, Fear, Relationships, Self-improvement