Where are you in the cosmic scheme: Part 2 of 4

Where are you in the cosmic scheme: Part 2 of 4  

by  Louisa von Dessau — 

Mercury represents a need to be understood and rules communication and the thinking process.

Mercury represents a need to be understood and rules communication and the thinking process.

Concept 3 — Mercury: “Consciously or unconsciously, you always get what you expect.”

Mercury represents a need to be understood and rules communication and the thinking process. The mind is a very powerful tool, and every thought it creates is manifested on some level. If we continue a specific thought pattern over a period of time, the neutral energy of Mercury will find a way to fulfill that thought. We can think of Mercury as a torpedo. For example, if we give our Mercury torpedo the message, “I am poor because money is bad,” the torpedo will find a way to reach its destination and allow us to be poor (and virtuous).

On the other hand, if we constantly send the message that we are rich, Mercury will find the opportunities to achieve the wealth we desire. Thoughts are forms, which eventually manifest. The key phrase for Mercury is “I think.”

Concept 4 — Venus: “Whatever you want, wants you.”

Venus symbolizes magnetic energy that draws to us a “match” for our own magnetic vibration. When we are not conscious of this, we feel victimized by the very thing or person we are attracting. Yet every seemingly negative situation has a payoff, if we look deeply enough. For example, since Venus is the planet of love, do you feel you have the love you want in your life? Are you willing to have more? Would you be willing to remove a barrier of fear to clear the path for more love?

If we are willing to look at everything in our life as being exactly what we want, on some level, we can move from a position of helplessness to a position of powerfulness. Venus shows us that we allow ourselves to have only what we feel we are worth. The key phrase for Venus is “I want.”

Concept 5 — Mars: “One only becomes real at the point of action.”

Mars is the means by which we get where we are going. Without it, we would be constantly planning without a vehicle to take us to our destination. Mars gives us the ability to stand up for our rights. It is a warrior that gives us the means to survive. Mars combined with fear causes rage, cruelty and the killer instinct, or a feeling of helplessness which creates passive aggressiveness, disease, accidents, impotency and sabotage. Mars shows the way to express courage and our will to live. The key phrase for Mars is “I will.”

(All quotations are taken from Think and Think Again by Dr. Robert Anthony.)


Louisa von Dessau, B.S. in Education, member American Federation of Astrology, is an experienced astrologer, counselor and teacher. She is the author of What If… and Astrological Fairy Tales.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 3, June/July 2005.

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