Why am I stuck?

With resolution of an unchangeable past, you can change your future. In this very moment of clarity, at your cellular level, you have the opportunity to choose to let it go and move on.
by Sherry Anshara —
I would like to share something that I have found truly fascinating over the years. Through the foundation of limited belief systems, you do not always have the experience to understand what is happening to you, especially from a young age. You do not necessarily have the words, vocabulary or experience to fully understand what is occurring.
Without the knowledge to describe how you feel about a dysfunctional situation, you simply take “it” into your body and store the trauma at your cellular level. This is an origination point of a trauma.
With this “taking in” of an experience without the understanding of the trauma or what you are experiencing, you not only store the experience, but it also stays buried in your body until an emotional “trigger” aggravates the emotional trauma.
At this point, you re-experience the past trauma in the present moment. Your computer-like brain does not discern the time difference. It only knows a look-alike trauma is re-occurring and that you will be traumatized again.
Therefore, whatever the time frame in your past in which you got emotionally stuck, regardless of the date and time, you are left emotionally and physically stuck in that past situation. Your brain has established a dysfunctional behavioral pattern of how you are supposed to re-enact certain dysfunctional external situations.
For example, you may have established a self-sabotaging behavioral pattern. At your deepest core of knowledge, you know you are creating it because it is familiar. You even know it is dysfunctional and not productive for you, but because you are stuck in the past, you may not know there is a way out.
There is. With proper guidance, practitioners can guide you to the origination point of the issue, where you look at it objectively and make a choice: Is it worth my life to stay stuck? You know the answer. It is not.
With resolution of an unchangeable past, you can change your future. In this very moment of clarity, at your cellular level, you have the opportunity to choose to let it go and move on.
Being stuck is a thing of a dysfunctional repeatable past. With a little help, you can be free to unleash your personal power to create a healthy and productive life, and finally move forward.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathic® Energy Method and founder/president of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, Ariz. [email protected], sherryanshara.com, quantumpathic.com or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 5, October/November 2015.
November 17, 2015
Featured, October/November 2015 Issue, Self-improvement