Vogt offers a new model of clearing that combines the ancient wisdom of space clearing with the modern practicality of clutter clearing.
Your Spacious Self: Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are
by Stephanie Bennett Vogt —
Behind our stress, clutter and confusion is an infinitely spacious place one might call stillness or joy.
This is our natural state of being, but we usually do not experience it because we are caught in a web of material possessions, desires and fears.
Our clutter often becomes like another member of the family that we feed, house and lug around.
In this book, Vogt shows us that it is not our stuff but the holding onto it that creates a force field of stuckness, clouding our perceptions and paralyzing our lives. Clutter is not just the junk spilling out of the closet — it is any thing or thought that prevents us from experiencing who we truly are.
With daily tips, meditations and a de-cluttering checklist, she will show you how to clear the clutter from your home and from your soul; revel in your own spaciousness, a place of stillness and joy; and let go of the people, places and things that no longer serve the joyous being that you are.
Vogt offers a new model of clearing that combines the ancient wisdom of space clearing with the modern practicality of clutter clearing. It teaches us that clearing is not just something we do, but is also a powerful way to be — one small step, drawer or moment at a time.
$18.95 — Hierophant Publishing, 8301 Broadway, Ste. 219, San Antonio, TX 78209.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 3, June/July 2013.
April 5, 2016
Book review, June/July 2013 Issue