Deekshas (dikshas) for enlightenment

Enlightenment can now become yours through a spiritual initiation called deeksha or diksha.

by Dharma Dharini — 

Most people have never considered that they can attain enlightenment. Knowing that enlightenment is possible is the first step of the journey. Gone are the days of meditating in a cave for half your life. Enlightenment can now become yours through a spiritual initiation called deeksha or diksha.

There is a beautiful and mysterious place in the South Indian Mountains called Satyaloka, where the largest known population of enlightened beings on the planet once lived. In 1998, the doors of Satyaloka opened for a brief time to the world. The word Satyaloka means “the Abode of Truth” or “7th Heaven.” The little-known ancient enlightened lineage, preserved at Satyaloka, dates back to a time when enlightenment was the norm, and suffering was considered to be an aberration.

The Siddha Purushas of Satyaloka have since moved to “The Golden City,” near the soon-to-be completed “Oneness Temple,” where people have witnessed the amazing “Golden Orbs” — thousands of orbs with the faces of great beings and mandalas in them — coming to Earth.

The Oneness Temple is built using an ancient type of sacred geometry and building practice called Vaastu. It incorporates geometrical proportions used by Mayan and Egyptian pyramid builders. As the seeker climbs the steps of the temple, the chakras begin to activate. The frontal lobes are activated as they approach the dome. When this occurs, you can see or experience the form of God of your worship. For example, a Christian will see Christ, a Hindu will commune with the form that he or she worships and so forth. It is a temple for the God realization of all humanity.

Already, more than 1,000 villagers in the surrounding area have attained enlightenment. In the near future, as many as 8,000 enlightened, “God-realized” people will be meditating in the Oneness Temple at a given time, creating an energy field that will impact the entire planet. If you consider the impact on human consciousness of one enlightened being such as Buddha or Christ walking the planet, imagine the impact these thousands of enlightened villagers in a small geographical space already are having. It is unprecedented in recorded history.

Seekers from around the globe have completed a special 21-day process at the Golden City. These are direct initiates of the ancient enlightened shamanic community who once lived at Satyaloka. This deeksha can be likened to a seed of enlightenment that is nourished by sadhanas (spiritual practices) and sutras. The deeksha will also help to awaken parts of the brain in the left cerebral cortex that humans formerly had used to walk and talk with the Divine.

Traditionally, such deekshas are activated by insight. This has been illustrated in legends that tell the life stories of many great masters, such as Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha). The force of the insight that activates the deeksha can actually cause a genetic restructuring of the brain that leads to liberation. According to legend, in his long struggle for liberation, Siddhartha visited many ashrams and was given numerous deekshas by various masters. The insight that led to his ultimate liberation (according to Indian legends) was his desire to be free of desire. More insights followed that night, and by the morning he was liberated.

In most ancient enlightenment cultures, the deeksha is considered a necessary component of an ancient trinity of enlightenment, consisting of sadhanas (spiritual practices), sutras (for wisdom and to help cultivate insight) and deekshas. The effect of the deeksha is very much dependent on the one who receives it, just as the success of a single seed is dependent on the soil, the sun and the rain.


Dharma Dharini was among the first Western initiates of Satyaloka, Deeksha Giver. She is the author of Vaastu For Enlightenment, and has conducted programs for prosperity, manifestation and enlightenment for Siva Baba. 602-695-5356, or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 5, October/November 2006.

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