The Tooth Truth

Chronic and often hidden dental infections are an important cause of systemic health problems.

by Dr. Larry Wilson — 

The health of your mouth is about far more than appearance. It can literally mean the difference between life and death. In particular, chronic and usually hidden dental infections often wreak havoc on the entire body and can contribute to heart disease and cancer.

Modern dentistry is one of the most toxic fields of medical care, though it need not be. This article discusses several topics outside of mainstream dentistry, ones that are usually only addressed by so-called holistic or biological dentists. This information can be of great importance to your health.

Dental infections

Chronic and often hidden dental infections are an important cause of systemic health problems. These small pockets of infection often leak highly toxic bacteria, as well as other chemical substances, into the bloodstream. This, in turn, affects the entire body.

For example, Joseph Issels, M.D., of Germany, wrote that many cancer patients got well when all root canal-filled and other infected teeth were removed.

Weston A. Price, D.D.S., also noted the impact of dental infections on general health in his classic book, Nutritional and Physical Degeneration. Price traveled the globe 100 years ago looking for the healthiest groups of indigenous peoples. He documented the ways in which modern, refined foods ruined the teeth and bone structure of even the most robust humans around the world.

Sources of dental infections. These include: (1) seemingly healthy teeth that may have hairline cracks or old fillings, (2) old root canal-filled teeth, (3) cavitations, which are sites of former dental procedures and (4) possibly, gum disease. However, gum disease is usually not as harmful because the bacteria are of a different type and not quite as toxic to the entire body.

Hidden dental infections overlooked. These infections are almost always missed for a number of reasons. They are difficult to diagnose without sensitive equipment, such as the Cavitron. Also, most are difficult to treat with standard methods such as antibiotics. In addition, most dentists are not trained to look for them. Finally, dentistry tends to be costly and painful, which causes many people to ignore minor dental pain or discomfort that could indicate a hidden infection.

Symptoms of chronic dental infections. One may feel some pain, sensitivity or other obvious symptoms, but often there are no symptoms at all. In some cases, a person may just feel tired or toxic all over from a hidden dental problem.

Detecting dental infections. This is not always easy, as the condition may have been present for years. It is more likely with root canal-filled teeth or if one has had extensive dental work. X-rays are helpful, but they must be read very carefully, and the dental staff may still miss some hidden infections.

Dentists familiar with these infections often use the Cavitron machine or another specialized instrument to test the integrity of individual teeth. However, finding such a dentist is not always easy.

 What to do about chronic dental infections. This depends on the cause. In some cases, filling a cavity or another simple procedure will take care of the problem. In other cases, surgery to clean out cavitations is recommended. In cases of old root canal-filled teeth that are infected, the tooth may need to be extracted. Antibiotics also may be recommended.

Alternative treatments. Instead of antibiotics, I have found that high-quality colloidal silver is superb for all dental infections. It is less toxic and often less expensive.

For cavitations and some infected teeth, few dentists know that use of a near-infrared light sauna once or twice daily will very often bring up the infection and heal it spontaneously. One must use the sauna for at least half an hour per session and position the jaw area as close to the lights as possible for five minutes at a time. In addition, it would be helpful to be on a nutritional balancing program, based on hair analysis, to optimize the body’s energy levels.

Near-infrared sauna therapy dramatically improves circulation. It also raises the body temperature several degrees, which increases the immune response. The near-infrared rays penetrate up to three inches inside the jawbone. Use of a far-infrared sauna may not be as good, since it penetrates less deeply in most cases, and the rays cannot be aimed directly at the jaw nearly as easily.

Case history of clearing a hidden infection. Joseph, age 70, had prostate cancer and had tried various therapies in the U.S. and Europe that had not worked well. He heard about saunas and began using a near-infrared light sauna twice daily, for half an hour each session.

After about four months of daily sauna use, he developed painful abscesses around two lower teeth. The area swelled, and he experienced intense pain. His dentist did an x-ray and declared that both teeth must be removed at once. However, he contacted me and showed me the x-ray. I suggested that the near-infrared sauna had probably brought up an old dental infection, and most likely, it would pass in a few days. I also suggested that for maximum therapeutic exposure, he focus the red heat lamps of the sauna as close to his jaw as possible for five minutes at a time.

Though he was in a lot of pain, Joseph decided to give it a try and refused the surgery. In fewer than two days, while brushing his teeth, the abscess opened and drained. Joseph has had no further problems with either tooth or with prostate cancer in over six years.

Tooth decay

Most dentists do not insist that their patients eliminate all sugar from the diet and eat plenty of steamed or lightly cooked vegetables, fresh meats and only whole grains. If they did, there would be far less tooth decay.

A common reason for tooth decay is that most people do not get enough high-quality calcium and other minerals in the diet. For instance, pasteurized, homogenized milk does not provide as good a quality of calcium as do certified raw dairy products. Other minerals for the teeth and gums (such as copper, manganese and zinc) come from a whole-foods diet and from the avoidance of all refined and processed foods.

Fluoride treatments. Most nations of the world, with the exception of the U.S. and Great Britain, long ago abandoned adding fluoride to their water supplies. Benefits of flouride are overstated, as it is a highly toxic substance.

Painting fluoride solution on children’s and even adults’ teeth to retard cavities is done routinely in some dentists’ offices. While it may help a little in certain cases, again, fluoride is toxic and its benefits are questionable. It is far better to obtain fluoride naturally in foods and drinks, like tea.

Most people get too much fluoride from their drinking water, all foods made with water such as breads and beverages, all restaurant food and much more. Fluorides also have been found in groundwater supplies and food crops. Adding more of it is not helpful and can cause allergic reactions and other problems.

Similarly, I suggest avoiding all fluoride in toothpastes, mouthwashes and drinking water. This controversial topic is discussed in greater detail in an article found at

Osteoporosis and your mouth

Many people do not realize that bone density tests are not always accurate. The reason that minerals, like lead and fluoride, are not as strong as calcium and phosphorus, but appear on x-rays at the same density as, or even denser than calcium.

This means that your bones look good on an x-ray, when in actuality, they are not that strong. This increases the risk of fractures when one has a fall or exercises strenuously.

Often, osteoporosis is first recognizable in the mouth by erosion of the alveolar bone. This is the part of the jawbone that supports the teeth. Erosion of the bone commonly occurs, especially in older people. One of my clients re-grew two millimeters of jawbone when she followed a nutritional balancing program. Her dentist was shocked, as this rarely happens.

Use of cortisone or other steroids also can weaken the bones and cause osteoporosis. A woman in her mid-40s recently broke a rib in a gentle exercise class. It turned out that she had been using an over-the-counter nasal spray that contained a cortisone derivative. She also had to undergo cataract surgery because the steroids had damaged the lenses of her eyes.

Mercury amalgam fillings

The standard material used to fill cavities for the past century-and-a-half is primarily a mixture of mercury and copper, along with some silver, cadmium and other metals. The compound is called an amalgam. It is similar to an alloy except that it is made at a low temperature, so the metals separate out after a number of years. Unfortunately, in the U.S. alone, some 50 million amalgams are placed into the teeth of dental patients each year.

Mercury amalgam fillings cause a continuous, slow release of mercury directly into the mouth, where it often vaporizes and goes directly to the brain.

Other problems with amalgam fillings. To insert the filling, the tooth must be hollowed out, which can weaken it significantly. The amalgam filling provides no extra strength to the tooth, so cracks are not uncommon and are easily missed on x-rays.

The metal filling is also electrically conductive and contains dissimilar metals. This is an excellent setup for the production of random and often harmful electrical currents, and even radio waves in the mouth, very near the brain. Electrical and radio frequency problems are not easy to diagnose and often cause subtle hearing, vision and other nervous system disorders in sensitive people.

The metal filling is also likely to alter the acupuncture meridian that passes through it. Finally, placing and removing old amalgams is extremely toxic for dentists, their assistants and even the administrative help who must breathe the contaminated air in the office. Dentistry is by far the most dangerous branch of the medical profession for this reason alone.

Many books detail the extreme dangers of this practice. However, the American Dental Association, American Medical Association and other medical groups continue to recommend it. This is one of the worst horrors of so-called modern medicine.

Amalgam removal.  If at all possible, remove all amalgams from your mouth. A few tips and cautions in regard to removing amalgams are:

• All fillings need not be removed at once. For example, have one or two per year replaced if that is all you can afford.

• If a holistic or biological dentist is not available or is too expensive, any good dentist can do the work. It is also preferable that the dentist use extra suction and a rubber dam to protect the patient from mercury vapors. Some dentists will test for material compatibility, but in my experience, this is not needed in every case.

• Many dentists suggest taking various supplements during amalgam removal. While this is fine, I have observed that people on nutritional balancing programs fare very well during these procedures. Other, more generalized vitamin regimens don’t work as well in some cases.

Do not remove amalgam fillings if one has active cancer. This can be fatal. Wait until the cancer is definitely in remission.

Nickel crowns

Some years ago, crowns were made of about 75 percent nickel. Unfortunately, nickel is highly toxic. It is still used in some dental wires and appliances. If one’s health is not improving on a nutritional balancing program, a source of toxicity such as this may be present. Try to find out if crowns are made of nickel; they may be white or metallic in color.

Allergies to dental materials

Before placing fillings and other dental materials in the mouth, some dentists can offer a blood test to determine if there is an allergy to these materials. This is not required for most people. However, if a patient is extremely sensitive to metals, plastics and other materials, it is an option worth considering.

Gum disease or periodontitis

Inflammation and infection of the gums are common today. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mixed together are excellent to keep these conditions under control. Also, this mixture is more physiologically sound than mouthwashes containing alcohol, which irritate the gums.

Another approach that works well for some people is the blotting technique. Joseph Phillips, D.D.S., developed this simple and inexpensive method many years ago. It uses an up-and-down motion to reach into the crevices between teeth and gums to remove plaque. The brush, angled at about 45 degrees, allows one row of bristles to get into the crevice, is then dabbed firmly downward (for the lower teeth) or pushed upward (for the top row of teeth).

For more information about the blotting technique, call the International Oral Health Society at 715-839-9103. If these simple methods are used for gum disease, surgery should rarely, if ever, be needed.


Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree and has been in the health field for more than 25 years. His books include Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners, Healing Ourselves and Manual of Sauna Therapy and The Real Self. He also co-authored Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease and contributed to The Dangers of Socialized Medicine. or 928-445-7690.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 2, Apr/May 2009.

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