This is our chance to create a cycle of love, to put the recession behind us and to create something beautiful when we come together for the greater good.
by Cary Bailen —
We have been in a recession for a while now. This can leave many of us feeling anxious and fearful. People have lost their jobs, and businesses are closing every day. At this point, it has become personal — we are all affected.
It is easy to get caught up in the negative energy that looms and dooms. And it is easy to talk about our problems in the grocery line, the bank line, and with friends and family. It is easier still to get swept up in the bad news and feel depressed. And it is perhaps human nature that many of us may start to hoard our possessions, our time and our energy.
It is not so easy to look for the positive and to reach out to others in desperate times; yet helping your community (or just that one person in need) can often help your soul, as well.
As a small business owner and single mom, my life can get busy and stressful, but I remind myself often of how important volunteering is, and I am teaching my son the value of giving back to the community. The sense of love and joy that fills our hearts when we reach out is so rewarding. Nothing can compare.
Once, when my son was five years old — and with a big smile on his face — he made a comment about how much he loved feeding the homeless; it made him “feel full of love in his heart.” His words touched me profoundly, and I will never forget that moment.
Recently, I was in Whole Foods and ran into my favorite art teacher from ASU. It had been 20 years since I had last seen her. It turned out that she was being laid off from the university, so I offered to help her find something she could do immediately. A week later she started volunteering at my business.
Her help has been priceless to me. Her heart has been filled as she gives back, and my heart is filled as I have someone miraculous in my life now.
I share this story to show you how important it is to make a difference in your community, especially when the chips are down and all of us are fighting to keep our heads above water. Now is the time for action. This is our chance to create a cycle of love, to put the recession behind us and to create something beautiful when we come together for the greater good.
Take the challenge to see how and where you can make a difference in the world. And don’t be surprised if while doing so, you receive something valuable in return.
Cary Bailen is president of Kidz for Life, Inc. 602-751-0012, cary@kidzforlife.com or www.kidzforlife.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 6, Dec 2009/Jan 2010.
February 27, 2012
Anxiety, Business, Depression