Love is a universal theme which has the power to unite us all and the affinity to bring together the elements of the world.
by Joy Abrams —
The literal meaning of feng shui is wind and water. You cannot actually see the wind, but you can observe its results on your environment. You watch the tides ebb and flow, yet the source of this action remains a mystery. All you observe is the movement of wind and water by a powerful supply some call energy.
Think of how this coincides with the power of love. With love, also, all you see are its results. No one agrees about what it actually is, but all can feel its effects. As cells in the body of humanity, you line up in kindness to reach critical mass. The energy field created by this critical mass is love, an entity so powerful it literally embodies every cell in the universe.
To create a clear field of energy where love can blossom:
- Clear clutter from your space, getting rid of the old to make room for the new.
- Make extra space in your closet.
- Place special attention to the relationship area of the bagua for your home.
- Place two things in this space that symbolize a harmonious union.
- Use the colors red and pink there.
- Meditate on this area to create your intentions.
- Focus on becoming the person you would like to have as a partner and less on your search for a mate.
Ignite the invisible force of love, equivalent to the discovery of fire. Love is a universal theme which has the power to unite us all and the affinity to bring together the elements of the world.
Joy Abrams, M.A., FSII, is an international author and feng shui master, yoga master and empowerment specialist. She offers feng shui consultations for corporations and homeowners. 602-791-5223 or www.aaafengshuiandyoga.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 3, June/July 2007.
September 20, 2012
Clutter and decluttering, Feng shui, Happiness, Love and Relationships, Meditation, Self-improvement