by Dr. Mark Force — Alcohol consumption can be a healthy habit, in spite of all we hear to the contrary. Because we are constantly exposed to the negatives, there’s no need to list the health and societal problems tied to consuming alcohol. Instead, let’s explore the benefits of light to moderate alcohol consumption — […]
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Detoxing from our environment
January 13, 2013
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by Dr. Howard Peiper — Body purification has been a part of human health and well-being rituals for thousands of years. Cleansing, a rich tradition that has helped humans through all ages and cultures, is at the foundation of every great healing philosophy. Today, we generally think of detoxification as a way to clean out […]
The anti-inflammatory diet
December 31, 2012
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Why is eating a rice cake as bad for you as eating a doughnut? Why are so many people plagued with arthritis these days? What’s the connection between fat and wrinkles? The answer to these questions: “It’s all about inflammation!” Whether it is doughnuts, potato chips or rice cakes, each of […]
Can healers also enlighten?
December 1, 2012
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by Gregory M. Scott — Sartori, Samadi, Jivan Mukti, Sehaj, Deeksha, God realization and enlightenment — how do these “higher states” relate to the practical, day-to-day healing concerns we all have? Is it possible for your next step to improve your health and your spiritual life? Researchers around the world are interested in the body’s […]
Advertising and news reports hypnotize smokers
November 7, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — As a hypnotherapist, I have helped many, many people stop smoking and remain non-smokers. But the challenge has been growing more and more difficult, and I just realized why. Smokers are told over and over that it is hard to quit smoking. Not just hard, but almost impossible! The withdrawal symptoms […]
Vitamins Yes, Drugs No
November 6, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Few subjects are as controversial as the value of food supplements. I used to believe, as physicians are trained to believe, that most food supplements are rarely needed, especially if one eats well. However, after extensive reading, personal experience and reports from thousands of patients, I am convinced of the […]
On multitasking, multi-personalities and the inner jouney
October 16, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Author’s note: The following is a true story — except for the parts I made up. Yippee! I’m driving home with a laptop computer. True to its name, it sits on my lap as I mostly keep my eyes on the road. My thoughts and feelings turn to the lack of […]
Smoke-free checklist
October 5, 2012
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by Denise Blommel — Arizona voters passed Proposition 201, labeled the “Smoke-Free Arizona Act,” on November 7, 2006. The Act went into effect May 1, 2007. The enforcement agency, Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), has a Web site at which contains the language of the act, ADHS rules, enforcement policies and other relevant […]
Hypnosis to quit smoking
October 4, 2012
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by Michelina Harding — While most of us understand the risks and dangers associated with smoking, we don’t all understand the reason most people continue to smoke. Most smokers know that by stopping they will save several thousand dollars a year and are aware that they could add years to their life. Most also realize […]
The healing power of self-hypnosis
September 21, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — What can you do to attract more success? What if you want to let go of a habit, chronic pain, fear, manage your weight or stop smoking? Any of these, and many other issues, can be helped or resolved through the power of the mind. The subconscious makes up the majority […]
Biochemical causes of depression
September 21, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Force — Certain distinct biochemical imbalances that trigger depression have been found to respond well to diet and nutritional supplementation. Different types of depression have different symptoms and underlying causes, including primary biochemical depression, serotonin deficiency, dopamine deficiency, high norepinephrine/epinephrine ratio, GABA deficiency and histamine excess. This article will discuss the most […]
Inside the Internet impulse
September 16, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — Much is being made these days about the proliferation of Internet porn, and the destruction left in its wake. But who needs porn? For an information junkie, the whole Internet can be as addicting as pornography or any hard drug. And we are not referring to things like e-mail, IM, games, […]
Change your focus to release habits
September 15, 2012
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by Paul Reinig — A habit is a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition. The first thing you need to do in releasing a habit is to acknowledge the awesome creator you are. For example, let us say you want to give up smoking. Ask yourself why you started smoking in the first place. […]
January 23, 2013
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