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Improve your health with probiotic protection

October 2, 2012

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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner —  Reports of declining health in this country are alarming. Recent studies indicate that as many as one in four women in the United States between the ages of 14 and 59 is infected with the human papillomavirus which can cause cervical cancer. Rates of auto-immune conditions, such as allergies, eczema, fibromyalgia and […]

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Food is our first medicine

September 28, 2012

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by Dr. Theresa Ramsey —  The food we eat every day either is making us healthy or making us sick. There is a certain type of food allergy (IgG antibodies) that is silent and delayed. This means that you can eat a food and in four days have a headache without realizing the connection between […]

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Stomach pain: Where does it come from?

September 27, 2012

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by Dr. Jane Hendricks —  There are two primary types of stomach pain. There is nausea, reflux and burning, which is usually felt in the upper GI. And there is cramping, which comes from the lower intestines. This occurs when the stomach and the first portion of your small intestine become irritated, due to over-acidity […]

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Why proper daily hydration is so important

September 26, 2012

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by Dr. Eli Ber —  One of the primary reasons I pursued a career as a naturopathic physician was out of a desire to find a solution for my own health problems. I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Crohn’s Disease at age 16. This caused me to begin actively investigating all treatments […]

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Natural help for chronic inflammation

September 19, 2012

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by Julia Busch —  While acute inflammation is an automatic immune response to help heal injury and disease, it can kill when it becomes chronic. From cardiovascular disease and arterial plaque bursting like popcorn, to cancer, depression, asthma, and diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, chronic inflammation is thought to be the underlying culprit. Unchecked […]

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Health updates

September 18, 2012

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The following is new information regarding toxic lawns and how to have the best-looking lawn around. Facts about America’s chemically dependent and toxic lawns • 67 million pounds of pesticides are applied to roughly 30 million acres of lawns in the U.S. annually. • The number one, most water-intensive crop in the United States is […]

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Allergy warnings cause confusion

September 16, 2012

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About 12 million Americans have some degree of food allergy, with severe food allergies triggering as many as 30,000 emergency room visits annually, and 150 to 200 deaths. Food labels help people with allergies avoid ingredients that could make them ill. An amendment to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 went […]

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Warning bells ring louder for BPA

September 11, 2012

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by Mary Budinger —  Health Canada, the Canadian version of the U.S. FDA, is the world’s first regulatory body to call bisphenol-A (BPA) dangerous. The agency said it will ban BPA from baby products and may decide to ban it completely. In April, the U.S. National Toxicology Program said BPA poses “some concern” for neural […]

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Healing with sound

September 9, 2012

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by Sunanda Harrell-Stokes —  Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse. Each system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse. We exist in a world of vibration. Sound healing seeks to harmonize, balance and reconnect the […]

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To drug or not to drug — ADHD revisited

September 8, 2012

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by Dr. Martha Grout and Stephanie Reese —  ADHD is the most common psychological problem in children and the second most common — after depression — in adults. The effort to treat the problem with drugs has made Ritalin and Concerta the most widely prescribed drugs for kids. Even news magazines comment on the drugging […]

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QXCI and energy medicine

September 8, 2012

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by Brenda Haas-Krieger —  The body is an electrical system, and our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Homeopathy long ago acknowledged the body’s electrical properties. In fact, homeopathic remedies use diluted substances that work by way of their energetic imprint. Like homeopathy, the modern-day QXCI (Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface) machine treats […]

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Natural seasonal helpers for allergies

September 4, 2012

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by Shalon Utah —  The runny nose … the itchy, watery eyes … when they hit, you know it is here — allergy season. And because of the diverse plant life across the country, it seems almost no one can escape these annoying symptoms. Allergies are initiated when the immune system attacks substances such as […]

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Testing supplements for worthiness

September 1, 2012

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by Dr. Glenn S. Chapman —  If you care about your health, you likely take supplements. You probably don’t know it, but you could be wasting your money on some of them. Here’s a typical scenario: You have a chronic condition — allergies, asthma, ADHD, cancer, Crohn’s, diabetes, fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel, lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid […]

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