by Betsy Timmerman — Common symptoms that define fibromyalgia are feeling unrefreshed after sleep and cognitive dysfunction, including impaired memory or concentration and persistent muscle pain. These symptoms are the same ones that people with electrical hypersensitivity experience. Could dirty electricity be magnifying or triggering the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Recent evidence points more conclusively to […]
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Back to school
February 8, 2013
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by Dr. Denise Quance — Fall is quickly approaching, even if the weather does not feel like it yet, and that means a bevy of back-to-stress activities. Now that the lazy days of summer are coming to an end and the kids are returning to school, to homework and to sports, it is easy to […]
Reflexology can help your health condition
January 26, 2013
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by Fatina Hijab — Reflexology works in harmony with our natural healing mechanism and its tendency to maintain homeostasis throughout the human body. Homeostasis is an inherently individualized balanced state of physical and emotional wellness. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine, disease occurs when the body is imbalanced. Since the body is programmed to detect the […]
Lyme disease
January 22, 2013
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by Dr. Warren M. Levin — If you have been traipsing from one doctor’s office to another with a potpourri of symptoms ranging from rashes to achy joints to arthritis, chronic flu, fatigue, sore throat and headaches, to name just a few, you might have Lyme disease. Lyme disease gets its name from the town […]
Depression: What you need to know
January 21, 2013
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by Dr. Melissa Dawahare — Everything seems to be going your way. You just received that promotion at work. Your family life is calm, peaceful and supportive. But inside, you feel empty, sad and have no interest in your normal activities. You may be restless, irritable or cry excessively. Your sleep pattern is disturbed. You […]
The real take on sugar intake
January 16, 2013
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by Dorothy Krupnick, M.S.R.D. — Walking down the supermarket aisles to shop for a healthy dessert will baffle any consumer who is new to nutrition and health awareness. There are cake and pudding mixes, prepared cookie dough and the like. As consumers, we are bombarded with the concept of simple carbohydrates versus complex carbohydrates. We […]
A “remarkable” case of depression and its homeopathic treatment
January 5, 2013
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by Dr. Chad Goetz — Disheveled, grumpy, but most of all sad and depressed, Samantha was at her wits’ end about how utterly miserable she perceived herself and her life circumstances to be. She was 42 years old, had never been married, had no children and had a job she despised. On top of this, […]
Celiac disease: a hidden cause of osteoporosis
December 24, 2012
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — One night, at the age of 62, Doreen rolled over in bed and fractured a vertebra in her spine. Unable to move, she had to be rescued by an emergency medical team. She spent three weeks flat on her back in a hospital bed. Initial tests showed that she had severe […]
Toxic metals: Where they come from and how they affect us
December 20, 2012
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by Dr. Carole Eastman — Sometimes occurring naturally and sometimes introduced by humans, toxic metals are everywhere. As a result of this chronic low-level exposure, as well as the body’s inability to adequately excrete them, these toxic heavy metals accumulate and are deposited in tissues such as bone, brain, kidney, liver, arteries, heart and muscle, […]
Dentists are sleep breathing disorder specialists
December 17, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas J. Meyer — Dentistry has begun to take on newer roles as technology and awareness of the human condition have exploded. For example, in the area of sleep breathing disorders, dentists have moved into a primary role for treatment, while just a few short years ago they would never have dared tread […]
Chronic pain and hormones
December 15, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — The American Academy of Pain Management reports that an estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder or accident. Did you know that many chronic pain conditions and stress-related symptoms could be related to hormonal imbalance? Some common symptoms of chronic pain include stress, frustration, […]
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
December 5, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Anxiety is a very uncomfortable feeling of nervousness, irritability or foreboding about the future. Panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks, are sudden drastic increases in anxiety to the point where one may have trouble breathing, muscles tighten, the pulse rate increases, and one may collapse or even urinate or […]
Getting Grounded
November 15, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Being grounded means being real, honest, authentic and present. It is having the ability to see things as they are and get on with life without needless strife or heartache. Many who need grounding are unaware of their need. Here is a short quiz about groundedness: 1. Do you […]
February 22, 2013
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