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Recipes to support prostate health

August 23, 2012

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by Stan Kalson —  The incidence of BHP (non-malignant enlargement of the prostate) is truly one of the most significant problems facing men in our society. Beginning at age 50, as many as 40 percent of males have BHP. By the time men hit their 80s, the figure reaches 90 percent. Diet is the first […]

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Ways to avoid food temptations

August 20, 2012

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Two-thirds of the U.S. population over 20 years old is overweight and one-third of those are obese. Worldwide, there are more than a billion overweight adults. Some statistics implicate both the food industry and respective governments in the obesity epidemic. Food processing is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in the U.S.; the domestic market […]

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Nutritional supplements: The rational versus the irrational

August 20, 2012

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by Mark Force —  Before you think about supplements, you need to consider your diet — specifically, the foods you eat. You need only two rules to make your diet nearly perfect: Eat foods in their natural, unrefined state. Eat 50 to 75 percent of your diet raw. People using these traditional diets typically have […]

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Fulvic acid and mineral deficiency

August 20, 2012

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It is estiminated that 99 percent of Americans are mineral deficient, which could be the cause of 60 different diseases. Researchers have known for years that at least 90 nutrients are needed to maintain optimal health — including a minimum of 59 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and three essential fatty acids. Fulvic acid, […]

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Calcium and vitamin D means better protection

August 18, 2012

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by Dr. J. Ann Dunn —  Conventional medicine says that we need to take 1,500 mg of calcium every day to fight osteoporosis. But the truth is more complicated than that. There is evidence that we probably don’t need to take any more than we would find in a quality multivitamin. A recent study looked […]

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Infection Prevention

August 17, 2012

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by Dr. Larry Wilson —  Many people are concerned about the growing threat of infections that seemingly strike at random and do not respond well to drugs. These include: MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the flesh-eating bacteria that has recently been in the news, and new strains of drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases. Basic principles of infections […]

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How cancer works

August 17, 2012

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by Nina Anderson —  Most people think that cancer is evil, but basically it is a dysfunctional cells that have been misguided into not dying. The T cells in the body control these cancer cells. T cells convert nitrogen into nitric acid, which dissolves cancer cells, but normal cells are not affected because they are […]

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Seasonal allergies: Treat the cause, not just the symptoms

August 16, 2012

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by Dr. Tricia Pingel —  Sneezing, sniffling, itchy eyes and scratchy throat — allergy season is here again. Seasonal allergies afflict millions of people and are often treated with antihistamine drugs, shots, creams and sprays. The conventional approach to seasonal allergy management may help to alleviate symptoms, but it does not address the real cause. […]

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Thyroid function and iodine intake

August 15, 2012

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by Dr. Sima Aidun —  The thyroid gland plays a pivotal role in meeting the body’s needs by producing thyroid hormones — triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) — with iodine playing the key role in this process. The path from iodine to T3 and T4, a somewhat complicated chemical process, begins at the point of […]

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Magnesium and hot flashes

August 11, 2012

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by Dr. Jonathan Psenka —  Hot flashes are one of the most common and irritating conditions experienced by women. They often occur when women are going through menopause and are frequently encountered as an unpleasant side effect of breast cancer therapy. Anti-estrogen drugs such as Arimidex and Tamoxifen are notable promoters of hot flashes. The […]

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Reversing gum disease and bone loss

August 10, 2012

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by Julia Busch —  Over 95 percent of Americans have gum disease, and it can be a killer. Though seldom lethal, mounting medical literature directly associates oral disease with extensive systemic problems, including leukemia, arthritis, heart, kidney, liver and lung diseases. “Cancer begins in the mouth,” says nutritionist Dr. Cass Ingram, a doctor of osteopathy […]

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Probiotics boost wellness

August 9, 2012

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by Dr. Shana Spector Deneen —  Most Americans have taken oral antibiotics at least once in their lives. Many of us have been on several rounds of antibiotic therapy for chronic ear infections, recurring strep throat, unremitting sinusitis, and various other skin, lung and gastrointestinal (GI) infections. In addition to eradicating pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics deplete […]

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Become disease-free

August 8, 2012

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by Dr. Howard Peiper —  Imagine you are a cell. Inside your body runs the machinery that creates life itself. But as that machinery keeps running, day after day, you begin to wear out. The friction and processes that cause damage — free radicals, pollutants, UV radiation and other sources — start to create havoc […]

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