Reversing macular degeneration by Julia Busch — Clinical studies are showing that highly sophisticated microcurrent stimulation (MCS) devices, which emit specific, low-current bioelectrical waves, can significantly improve retinal disease in a very high percentage of wet and dry age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and its juvenile counterpart Stargardt’s disease (STDG). The leading cause of blindness in […]
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Frequency Specific Microcurrent — a new treatment for macular degeneration
January 10, 2014
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by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — Microcurrent has been used for the past eight years to help improve the vision of people suffering from macular degeneration. The benefit is threefold, in that it increases circulation to the eye, stimulates the retinal cell function and, possibly, regenerates cells. The effects of using 10 to 500 microamps […]
Color therapy in the treatment of eye disease — nothing new under the sun
October 2, 2013
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by Edward Kondrot, M.D. — Color therapy sounds like something that belongs in the interior design business and not in the doctor’s office, but you may be surprised to know that there is a long history of color in the treatment of eye disease. The College of Syntonics, a 73-year-old institution, has long investigated color […]
The right precautions and foods help protect children’s eyes
September 7, 2013
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by Robyn Mulia — While almost everyone knows that sunglasses protect their eyes from the glaring sun, many do not know that eating healthy fruits and vegetables protects your vision, long-term. Providing children with fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks provides necessary antioxidants to prevent future eye problems. Protect your sunglass-toting kids by offering tasty […]
The ins and outs of your neck
August 14, 2013
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by Roxann Christensen — Before taking a single class in bodywork, I offered to gently massage the neck of a woman who was in obvious pain. A few minutes later, she spoke excitedly about the sudden improvement in her vision. Without the knowledge to understand her response at the time, I was surprised by her […]
Combining frequency specific microcurrent and color therapy in the treatment of macular degeneration
July 16, 2013
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by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of irreversible blindness in people older than 65. As many as one-third of those past 65 will develop this condition. It is a slow, progressive disease that affects the central area of the retina, called the macula. This location in […]
A window into the health of your eyes
July 2, 2013
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by Annie Porter — It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. In Chinese medicine, the quality, clarity and brightness of the eyes reflect the health of your shen, which translates to mean your spirit, or the light inside you. If you have ever seen the eyes of a mentally […]
Treating eye problems with colored lights and acupuncture
April 20, 2013
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by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — How can colored light applied to the skin help treat eye problems? Contrary to what you might imagine, the answer is tied to the familiar Chinese system of medicine called acupuncture. The Chinese have observed that energy, or chi, travels through the body in specific meridians, located near the […]
A rebuttle to psychologically improving your vision
March 28, 2013
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by Jeff Eger — This is an eye doctor’s rebuttal to an article entitled, “A simple way to improve your vision,” from the Dec. 2102/Jan. 201 issue of AzNetNews, which quoted facts from Psychological Science (PubMed), Discovery News 2010:21(5)0:661-6 and It stated that Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer and colleagues claim that it is […]
A simple way to improve your vision
February 23, 2013
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New research shows that eyesight markedly improves when people are experimentally induced to believe that they can see very well. Their new beliefs actually increased visual clarity rather than simply increasing alertness. According to research by Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer and colleagues, it really is possible to improve your vision simply by changing your […]
Using ozone for healing
February 19, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Either by firsthand experience or through the grapevine, you may be familiar with Prolozone, a remarkable, natural treatment that can permanently treat most joint pain and degenerative joint disease. If you have done any research on Prolozone, the name Frank Shallenberger, M.D., may sound familiar. He pioneered the treatment and […]
Dissolving your own cataracts
February 11, 2013
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by Julia Busch — Can cataract-laden lenses be cleared without surgery? They can, according to Russian research where eye drops containing the amino acid n-alpha-acetyl-carnosine (NAC) causes cataracts to “melt” like snow. Reversal starts from the edges to gradually make the lens more transparent. Measurable results can occur in as little as one month. However, […]
Toxic metals: Where they come from and how they affect us
December 20, 2012
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by Dr. Carole Eastman — Sometimes occurring naturally and sometimes introduced by humans, toxic metals are everywhere. As a result of this chronic low-level exposure, as well as the body’s inability to adequately excrete them, these toxic heavy metals accumulate and are deposited in tissues such as bone, brain, kidney, liver, arteries, heart and muscle, […]
November 25, 2014
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