by DeAnna Radaj — Getting tired of the same old red and green decorations? Would you like to add more meaning to some of your holiday rituals? How about adding some feng shui principles to your holiday gift giving and decorations? Feng shui is the ancient science of placement and living in harmony and balance […]
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The handwriting on the wall
November 22, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Have you ever gone into a home or office where you could feel the atmosphere? Sometimes, when conflict is ongoing in a place, we say, “Wow, you could cut the atmosphere in here with a knife — it is so heavy and dense!” Well, truer words were never spoken. Why? Because […]
Structures that deplete wealth
October 27, 2012
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by Denise A. Liotta-Dennis — Classical feng shui, developed over thousands of years, identified sites that would cause people to lose their wealth. While these sites/structures may not cause money loss immediately, they can cause great loss in a very short time — sometimes in as little as a few weeks or a few months. […]
Ways doctors can go green
October 10, 2012
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by Dr. Martha M. Grout — Sarah has chemical sensitivties and must see a pulmonologist for her asthma. She has a hard time when she gets to the doctor’s office, however, because some of the staff wear cologne, and the building smells of toxic materials which make her wheeze. You would think that pulmonologists, who […]
Feng shui: a sense of belonging
October 9, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — In feng shui, the Tao is an ongoing preoccupation of the feng shui practitioner. The word Tao simply means “the way” in Chinese. Placed specifically in a feng shui context, the Tao represents the relationship that exists between an individual and his or her environment. As they relate to feng shui, […]
Ending our bottled water addiction would save money and the environment
September 29, 2012
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Bottled water is not necessarily cleaner, according to the San Francisco Chronicle and lawsuits from the Environmental Law Foundation, who say that as much as 40 percent of bottled water is really just repackaged tap water. Maybe that is a good thing, considering that federal standards for tap water are actually higher than those for […]
Clearing out the weight
September 10, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out — not only in their homes, but in their lives as well. Do you feel surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to […]
Ed Begley, Jr.: The greenest man in Hollywood
September 10, 2012
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by Arielle Ford — From the moment he attended his first Earth Day event in 1970, actor Ed Begley, Jr., has worked tirelessly to protect the environment and spread the word about how to live a green life. Driving his electric car to the Academy Awards and pedaling his bike to TV and film sets […]
Feng shui and art
September 4, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Every decorating item in your home conveys a distinct message. The things around you have a profound effect on everyone in the household. Your surroundings can greatly affect career, health, relationships and prosperity. So it is important to surround yourself with things you love and that are meaningful and impart happiness. […]
Kitchen hints
September 3, 2012
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The following are some helpful cooking and cleaning hints to make life a little easier, food taste better and kitchen work a lot more fun. Chilling wine — If you do not have time to cool your wine before serving, put two or three frozen grapes in the glass. Use white grapes for white wine […]
Good garden design with permaculture principles
August 30, 2012
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by Doreen Pollack — It seems there are two big reasons why people are reluctant to do more with their yards: money and time. But you can save a lot of both if you begin to consider how your yard fits into the environment around it — by doing this you can let Mother Nature […]
Feng shui for challenging times
August 16, 2012
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by Luckie Bosselman — For thousands of years, wise men and women have used the natural energies or chi of each season to support and enhance their lives in making positive changes. Using the Chinese doctrine of the five elements — fire, water, wood, earth and metal — provides the building blocks for manifestation. Transformation […]
Energy audits can save you money
August 14, 2012
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by Janice and Jonathan Waterworth — An energy audit is an inspection and analysis of the energy consumption and in a building, indicating, ultimately, how and where that building can reduce energy consumption and save costs. A professional energy audit involves various characteristics of a home’s building envelope including the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows […]
November 23, 2012
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