Skywoman: A Symphonic Odyssey of Iroquois Legends by Joanne Shenandoah — The exalted and powerful voice of Shenandoah and the majestic sounds of the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra are a symphonic odyssey that depicts Iroquois legends in a dramatic and enthralling performance. Her original compositions, combined with her deeply resonant voice, enable her to embellish the […]
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Earth Day can inspire positive, cost-saving actions
November 10, 2014
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Earth Day can inspire positive, cost-saving actions by J. Fulkerson — Earth Day is on April 22, and whether or not you celebrate Earth Day, it serves as an important reminder about the condition of our planet, and also about the steps we can take to make a positive difference in the environment. As the […]
What is the cause of disease? A Chinese medicine perspective
November 9, 2014
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What is the cause of disease? A Chinese medicine perspective by Christopher Vedeler — Western allopathic medicine has a deep cultural bias that may be part of the reason it fails to deal well with so many chronic illnesses. This bias is the very concept of cause and effect. In the West, we look for […]
Reiki-2: Infinite Mind
November 8, 2014
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Reiki-2: Infinite Mind by Agnus Dei — The instrumental music features both contemporary and classical-influenced piano music with ambient textures and sonic embellishments. Various techniques are used to establish a mood perfect for Reiki, meditation, hands-on-healing and lightwork, such as silent pauses, phrase repetition or flowing strains that gently lift both listener and practitioner on […]
Rainforest treasure
November 7, 2014
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Rainforest treasure by Victoria Bowmann, Ph.D. — Although the South American rainforest is spread across 1.2 billion acres, it comprises only one percent of the Earth’s surface. Yet it is considered the “lungs” of our planet, since it recycles at least 20 percent of the Earth’s carbon dioxide into oxygen. Most importantly, it is home […]
Think fit to be fit
November 6, 2014
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Think fit to be fit by Karen Danner — Do you find yourself making good fitness choices but still not experiencing the desired results? First off, fitness is a set of attributes that create a state of being. When the physical attributes of muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility and body composition are in […]
Walls of Akendora
November 5, 2014
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Walls of Akendora by Keiko Matsui — This two-disc album highlights Matsui, one of today’s finest contemporary jazz keyboardists and composers, backed by leading bass, percussion and sax players. Known for her unique ability to blend Eastern mysticism with playful melodies, her easy funk piano has made her a favorite. This music showcases her sophisticated […]
Live better, longer, healthier lives with meditation
November 4, 2014
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Live better, longer, healthier lives with meditation by Susie Avila — Meditation offers us great help in our pursuit to live better, longer and healthier lives. To illustrate, let us look at how meditation affects the endocrine glands and hormones, and thus affects the body’s overall energy and physical health. Hormones, secretions of the endocrine […]
How to live pain-free with a healthy back
November 3, 2014
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How to live pain-free with a healthy back by Mimi Solaire — Back pain? You are far from alone. Back problems have become epidemic. Eighty percent of all Americans suffer from back pain at some time in their lives. Usually, the pain is sudden — like a toothache. And like having a toothache, life revolves […]
Still Chillin’
November 2, 2014
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Still Chillin’ by Gabrielle Roth + The Mirrors — These four tracks are like listening to a Zen garden, as each blends the timeless spirituality of pure space with the modern innovation of contemporary rhythm culture. This is for your quiet times, with gentle grooves, a deep, sensuous ambience that is the consummate blending of […]
Chi Kung for Beginners: Master the Flow of Chi for Good Health, Stress Reduction and Increased Energy
October 27, 2014
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Chi Kung for Beginners: Master the Flow of Chi for Good Health, Stress Reduction and Increased Energy by Scott Shaw, Ph.D. — Shaw teaches you how to harness the energy of chi in your body and bring your body and mind into harmony through the traditional Chinese methods of breath control and movement known as […]
Postcards From Spain
October 25, 2014
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Postcards From Spain by Lesley Spencer & The Latin Chamber Pop Ensemble — An uplifting album of breezy and creatively orchestrated instrumentals featuring piano, zesty Latin guitar, woodwinds, strings, percussion and bass. Listening to these musical impressions is like journeying to one of the most beautiful, fun and historic travel destinations on the planet — […]
Tantra Electronica
October 22, 2014
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Tantra Electronica by Al Gromer Khan and Emin Corrado — The catalyst for this album evolved from the natural interplay between opposite magnetic charges: positive and negative, male and female, illusion and reality. The unrefined energy that drives movement, interaction and silence is exposed, analyzed and altered by the musicians in this extrospective album. Evocative, […]
November 11, 2014
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