by Linda Crider — Dr. Edward Bach relied heavily on his keen awareness of human nature when he put together his 38 flower-remedy healing system during the early part of the 20th century. While attending social events, or just making regular visits to the local pub, he would quietly observe those around him. His sincere […]
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Confessions of a psychic coach
May 31, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Gangway, folks! I am coming out of the closet as a psychic coach. I am tired of toe tapping and treading lightly by calling myself “extremely intuitive.” The fact is, I see auras, read chakras, hear and talk to guides — the whole nine yards. I deliver out-of-this-world messages in a […]
Teeth can cause pain in the body
May 30, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — When it comes to pain in areas of the body, such as the shoulder, low back, hip or knee, most doctors would not consider examining the mouth as a source of musculoskeletal pain. When all other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or incomplete and we still have painful joints, […]
BPA free does not mean BPS free
May 30, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Products labeled “BPA free” may be just as toxic as those made with this increasingly shunned original chemical, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas and published in the January 17, 2013, issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. BPA (bisphenol A) is an industrial chemical […]
Allergy casualty? The allergy cavalry to the rescue
May 27, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — Ahhhh-choo! Ahhhh-choo! Sniffle, sniffle. Tissue … repeat. It is that time of year. Do you remember when people came to Arizona to escape allergies? With the influx of people came the influx of plants, and the rest is history. In 2011, the Huffington Post website announced that Phoenix and Las Vegas […]
How to tell when someone is lying
May 27, 2013
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by Jill Mattson — People’s voices contain a wealth of information, energy and hidden messages that we can instantly access. “There is a sense within us that can understand language spoken without words,” said Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He advised that we can sense the evolution of a person with only one piece of […]
Fibromyalgia, fibrin and proteolytic enzymes
May 26, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — It has long been known that people with chronic muscle pain or fibromyalgia have more fibrin in their tissues and blood. This fibrin, while initially helpful in the early stages of healing after an injury, can become problematic if the body does not clear itself of the agent after it has […]
Time to store the big soup pot
May 26, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Spring is finally here, and as we head closer to the hot summer months, the foods we want to eat change drastically. The pots for hot soups are put away until cooler weather and the menus we consider tend to lean more toward the fresh fruits and vegetables of the […]
Help for Alzheimer’s cognitive decline
May 25, 2013
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by Dr. Alan Christianson — Is there anything fresh fish and fish oil cannot do for health? I am beginning to think not, as I read studies like the one in the journal Neurology ( that shows omega-3 fatty acids can lower your risk of dementia and brain deterioration. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia […]
Juicing vegetables the correct way
April 23, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — After the award-winning documentary “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” became available from Netflix in mid-2011, juicers started showing up in people’s kitchens, big time. In the film, Australian entrepreneur Joe Cross decided to take charge of his health by juicing vegetables and fruits for 60 days. He dropped about 80 pounds […]
Attract your desires
April 22, 2013
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by Cathie Barash — Affirming our intentions is a way of stating our desires that sets the stage for creating what we want to occur. By clarifying what we wish to achieve, we elevate our feelings to those of joyful anticipation. Therefore, it is an empowering exercise to write out an intention statement, which affirms […]
The role of herbs throughout time
April 22, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Herbs have played a huge role in healing throughout the centuries, and one of the major contributors has been Egyptian medicine, which has provided some of the oldest documented remedies. From the 33rd century B.C. until the Persian invasion in 525 B.C., Egyptian medical practices were highly advanced for the […]
Everybody poops
April 22, 2013
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by Dee Munsterman — The other day I was having breakfast at Wildflower Bakery where I witnessed a 3 year old and his dad return to their table after having visited the bathroom. The mom asked: “Did you go poo poo?” The little boy happily exclaimed, “Yes!” Mom high-fived him and they all proceeded […]
May 31, 2013
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