The problem is eating — not food by Karen R. Koenig — If you have put on weight and are thinking that food is your main problem, think again. Sugar and fat have been the culprits in our war on obesity for such a long time that we have come to take for granted that […]
Archive | April/May 2015 Issue RSS feed for this section
Homemade hand sanitizers
May 21, 2015
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Homemade hand sanitizers by Joanne Henning Tedesco — We use commercial hand sanitizers hoping to protect ourselves from germs and bacteria, but they are chemically scented and contain toxic chemicals that are absorbed into the body. The primary active ingredients in these sanitizers are ethyl and isopropyl alcohols. Ethyl alcohol, also know as ethanol, pure […]
How to thrive during menopause
May 18, 2015
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How to thrive during menopause by Dawn Fleming — For many women, menopause can be challenging and create havoc in all areas of their lives. Not only are their physical bodies changing, but also their minds can spiral into anxiety as they begin to deal with uncertainties that arise. Strategies are available not only to […]
Chasing seagulls for fulfillment
May 15, 2015
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Chasing seagulls for fulfillment by Scott Grace — I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous […]
Teaching mindfulness and compassion in schools
May 12, 2015
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Teaching mindfulness and compassion in schools by Daniel Rechtschaffen — Schools across the globe are turning to mindfulness in the hope that it will be an antidote for the rising stress, emotional dysfunction and attention deficit in their students. Ongoing research reveals that a consistent mindfulness practice can help us to be happier, more focused, […]
Implications of marijuana legalization
May 9, 2015
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Implications of marijuana legalization by Stephanie Nickerson — Numerous recent studies have been published outlining some serious consequences of marijuana use. A groundbreaking study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that while drinking and driving convictions continue to fall, the use of marijuana and prescription drugs is increasingly prominent on the […]
Adrenal fatigue – all too common
May 6, 2015
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Adrenal fatigue – all too common by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — One of the most common symptoms patients present in my office is feeling tired and worn-out, saying they just cannot regain their normal energy, no matter what they do or how many doctors they visit. No evaluation for fatigue should be performed without […]
The End of Stress: Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain
May 5, 2015
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The End of Stress: Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain by Don Joseph Goewey — We all understand that stress damages our health, decreases emotional intelligence, lowers performance and limits our potential to succeed. Yet studies show that more than 80 percent of us are doing nothing about it. If you are part of the […]
The Grateful Life: The Secret to Happiness and the Science of Contentment
May 4, 2015
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The Grateful Life: The Secret to Happiness and the Science of Contentment by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons — This book is a guide to discovering and realizing your dreams through the power of positivity and by cultivating thankfulness into daily living. Recent studies have shown that gratitude will make you calmer and healthier, […]
The skinny on fat
May 3, 2015
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The skinny on fat by Debbie Williams — Could your brain be keeping you fat? Fellow yo-yo dieters, my experience is: Yes! And I have an interesting story to tell, which involves how I lost weight and the product that helped so much. Firstly, the product I have fallen in love with is As Slim […]
Chippy Chipmunk: Friends in the Garden
May 2, 2015
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Chippy Chipmunk: Friends in the Garden by Kathy M. Miller — Explaining loss to children is never easy, whether they have lost a family member, a friend or even a pet; and explaining healthy ways of mourning can sometimes come across as dauntingly grown up. But Miller explains life and death in their most fitting […]
Fat-Me Not: Weight Loss Diet of the Future
May 1, 2015
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Fat-Me Not: Weight Loss Diet of the Future by Myo M. Nwe, M.D. and Sandeep Grewal, M.D. — Current weight loss techniques and products reflect the knowledge and research of the 1960s but, since then, the science of obesity and weight loss has progressed in leaps and bounds, although no one tells you about it. […]
Matcha — a superfood
April 30, 2015
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Matcha — a superfood by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Earthy and green, matcha is a finely milled or fine-powder green tea that offers major health benefits. It is made from shade-grown tea leaves and boosts metabolism, burns calories and is packed with antioxidants. In fact, matcha boasts nearly 10 times the antioxidants of regular green […]
May 24, 2015
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