by Lucinda Lintz — There are a lot of complicated and sophisticated “things” in this world. How we deal with money and its benefits does not have to be one of them. Sometimes, the attempt to stay on top of our finances can lead to further problems and challenges, which can spill into our relationships, […]
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Financing your business with the SBA’s help
April 13, 2013
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by Bruce Hodgman — Perhaps no activity in starting up a new business or in laying plans for growth of an existing business will have as much impact on your prospects for success over the long run as ensuring adequate financing. How do you go about financing your enterprise? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) […]
Creating a prosperity journal
April 5, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — If you look up the individual words in the phrase “creating a prosperity journal” in the dictionary, it says: Creating — to cause to exist; originate; to bring about; produce. Prosperity — financial success or well-being. Journal — a daily record of occurrences or transactions. Creating a personal prosperity journal will […]
Know all the facts before you sign the documents
March 15, 2013
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by Emily B. Kile — Sometimes it is easy to look back and see bad decisions we’ve made. With hindsight, we can review the facts and see all the “signs” that existed, signs that should have made it obvious that we should not move forward with the deal. However, the best time to determine whether […]
Feng shui for the living room
February 20, 2013
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by Louis Audet — The best location for a living room is in the front of the home and in view from the front door and foyer. Since it is one of the first rooms seen upon entering, the look and feel should be one of beauty and prosperity. As such, it sets the tone, […]
Food or gas? The battle begins for the world’s grains
February 10, 2013
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As oil prices continue their upward spiral, there is a call to convert millions of acres of food crops to fuel crops. In the U.S., ethanol plants are being constructed on a mass scale. In Iowa alone, 55 ethanol plants are operating or have been proposed. According to Iowa State University economist Bob Wisner, if […]
Feng shui and the Valley
February 7, 2013
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by Denise A. Liotta — Almost everyone has heard of feng shui, but why do business moguls Steve Wynn and Donald Trump use it? Simple: because it works and it sells. Steve Wynn, the Las Vegas mega-builder, has used a feng shui master from Hong Kong for many years to help him build his hotels […]
What are entities? Psychic Protection 101
February 6, 2013
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by Leslee J. Klinsky — If you have ever become angry, vengeful, agitated or depressed for no apparent reason, it may very well be that you have been affected by the unseen forces of one or more entities. It is the intent of this article to empower you to protect yourself, your space and your […]
Venture capital from the SBA
February 5, 2013
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by Bruce L. Hodgman — Emerging entrepreneurs absolutely must have access to capital in order to identify their prospects and achieve their goals. While many other tools and skills are indispensable to entrepreneurial success, the ability to access capital when required is supreme among them. One of the many ways the U.S. Small Business Administration […]
Financing your business
January 29, 2013
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by Bruce L. Hodgman — While poor management is cited most frequently as the reason businesses fail, inadequate or ill-timed financing is a close second. Whether you are starting a business or expanding one, sufficient ready capital is essential. Of all the business skills that must be mastered to be a successful small business entrepreneur, […]
Self-employed? You can still qualify for a home loan
January 24, 2013
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by Bill Strain — Income documentation is not always easy for the self-employed, commission-based or retired earner, or for any person without a fixed income or a documentable source of income. A no-income-verification loan can help consumers who find it challenging to adhere to conventional proof-of-income demands. Many self-employed entrepreneurs and business owners are concerned […]
Finding your soul purpose
January 15, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Why is it that some people enjoy success and abundance, while others continually seem to struggle? The answer lies within us — at the core of each individual. Each of us has an inner compass that steers us toward certain outcomes in life. For some, that compass is set for success, […]
The value of stuff in a consumeristic society
January 2, 2013
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by Laura Lofgreen — There is nothing more satisfying than setting a goal and working hard to accomplish it. For example, a teenager wanting that first pair of name-brand jeans realizes it takes a lot of work and dedication to earn the money to purchase them. As a result, wearing them for the first time […]
May 20, 2013
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