by Joanne Henning Tedesco — As we eat our way through the holidays, many Americans — including children — will begin piling on excess winter padding. Here are a few simple steps you can take to help your family keep their weight down in spite of the goodies that abound during this festive season. Plan […]
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How to tell when someone is lying
May 27, 2013
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by Jill Mattson — People’s voices contain a wealth of information, energy and hidden messages that we can instantly access. “There is a sense within us that can understand language spoken without words,” said Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He advised that we can sense the evolution of a person with only one piece of […]
Say one thing — Do the same thing
April 23, 2013
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by Dr. Steven Patascher — Most of us want to do the right thing. Even when we succumb to temptation, most of us regret that we could not rise to the occasion and bring out our higher self. Certain of our behaviors are automatic. We do not even realize we are not acting from our […]
Looking back — what would you change?
April 21, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — We have all said it at one time or another: “If only I had known then what I know now, things would be different.” But would they really? Probably not. You did exactly what you did at that time, because you were not ready to do anything differently. What you did […]
Discarding illusions to find a state of balanced love
April 20, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Imagine you were dating or married to someone who only said, “I think you’re wonderful. You are always right. Can I do anything for you? You are the best there is, and anyone who cannot see that is crazy. You are perfect exactly the way you are.” You might initially […]
The rise of spiritual cinema
April 11, 2013
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by Cate Montana — The new millennium has seen a lot of social changes. One of the most inspiring is the development of a new film genre called “spiritual cinema.” Broad in its approach and content, spiritual cinema addresses issues of love, death, rebirth, evolution and the science of transformation. The depths of human psychology […]
Creating connection within relationships
January 29, 2013
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by Gary van Warmerdam — One of the great assumptions men make in relationships is that they understand their partners. Often, men stop listening closely because they assume they already understand. They hear the words or phrases their partners say and assume they know what is coming next. Their minds quickly project the end of […]
Inner knowing
January 18, 2013
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by Cory Lemberger — The answer to finding balance in life with a more complete mind-body-spirit connection, finding more joy in relationships and finding peace in daily life, is truly pretty simple. The answer to this whole balanced-life question is clear, because you already have the answer. As a reader of AZNetNews, you are most […]
Self-leadership for spiritual growth and happiness
January 12, 2013
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by Patricia Raya — Most of us, in one capacity or another, have been involved with or taken a workshop on leadership development. Typically, participants are taught strategies for communication, team development, motivation, conflict resolution and vision planning. All of this is helpful; I have been teaching those strategies for 30 years. However, there is […]
I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress
January 11, 2013
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by Irene Conlan — “I’m sick and tired of hearing about stress,” he said. “I read about it in magazines and the newspaper; they talk about it on the radio and on TV. That’s all they talk about at work. Stress, stress, stress. So what’s the big deal?” He had come for hypnotherapy because he […]
Unconditional family love
December 25, 2012
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by John F. Demartini — Consider the balance in your life. First, though, let’s take a look at the fundamental social dynamic called the family to determine whether function or dysfunction, order or disorder, reigns. At a superficial glance, it might appear that many if not most families are dysfunctional. However, when viewed from a […]
Why you should massage your children
December 20, 2012
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by Tiffany Kuehn — What would life be like if at birth, after exiting the softness and safety of the mother’s womb into the external world, newborns received a full body massage? What if every little part of the tiny baby was touched and soothed by the external world into which they were thrust? Imagine […]
Nurture intimate relationships
December 8, 2012
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by Don Mordasini — With greater economic freedom, more couples in mid-life are separating and divorcing rather than working to resolve their relationship problems. Statistics have consistently shown that happily married couples live longer, avoid depression and suffer fewer ailments. This being the case, I find it surprising that very little is written on the […]
June 2, 2013
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