Floral Acupuncture: Applying the Flower Essences of Dr. Bach to Acupuncture Sites by Deborah Craydon, CFEP & Warren Bellows, Lic.Ac. — The book links the flower essences of Dr. Edward Bach to acupuncture points and thoroughly explains this groundbreaking form of alternative healing. The process is simple and effective and is easily practiced in the […]
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Floral Acupuncture: Applying the Flower Essences of Dr. Bach to Acupuncture Sites
Sweet Chestnut for deep despair
March 23, 2016
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Sweet Chestnut for deep despair by Linda M. Crider — Many of the 38 flower remedies included in Dr. Edward Bach’s healing system were designed to restore emotional balance to specific personality types. There are some, however, that gently diffuse temporary, unpleasant situations or passing moods. One of these is the remedy of Sweet Chestnut […]
Star of Bethlehem for shock and traumas
December 27, 2015
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Star of Bethlehem for shock and traumas by Linda M. Crider — The cheerful and encouraging Star of Bethlehem flowers open in late morning when the sun is close to being at its strongest. Dr. Bach included this plant in his 38 flower remedy healing system for its ability to ease the shock of serious […]
Indecisive? Try Scleranthus
October 30, 2015
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Indecisive? Try Scleranthus by Linda M. Crider — Dr. Edward Bach understood the variety of reasons some people were unable to make clear, valid decisions. He included a few remedies for indecisiveness, such as Cerato, Wild Oat and Scleranthus in his 38 flower essence healing system. Cerato benefits those who cannot make a decision without […]
Flower essences: now better than ever
October 13, 2015
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Flower essences: now better than ever by Natalia M. Schotte, Ph.D. — Flower essences are a profound form of energy medicine and have long been part of the tradition of earth-based and Shamanic healing. For millennia, healers of all types have accessed and utilized the intelligence inherent in nature for a variety of purposes, particularly […]
Rock Water for flexibility
September 1, 2015
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Rock Water for flexibility by Linda M. Crider — Rock Water is the flower essence that Dr. Edward Bach derived from a local spring. It is the only one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies that is not obtained from a plant. He created this remedy to help those who rigidly hold themselves to a […]
Rock Rose for extreme fear
August 1, 2015
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Rock Rose for extreme fear by Linda M. Crider — Along with the 38 flower essence healing system he created, Dr. Edward Bach put together a five remedy formula designed to help people cope with the stress caused by emergency situations. An important component of this formula is the single essence of Rock Rose, one […]
Red Chestnut for obsessive worriers
April 24, 2015
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Red Chestnut for obsessive worriers by Linda M. Crider — One significant quality that distinguished Dr. Edward Bach from his more conventional medical colleagues was his insight into human behavior. For instance, after much observation and reflection, he wisely concluded that worry is a completely unproductive emotion. As a result, he included the flower essence […]
Banish unproductive guilt with Pine
February 28, 2015
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Banish unproductive guilt with Pine by Linda M. Crider — Dr. Edward Bach had a particular intention when choosing each of the remedies that he included in his healing system. As with all 38 botanicals he selected, the essence of pine deals with a specific emotional imbalance. In this case, he sought a remedy for […]
A Flower Essence-tial process
December 7, 2014
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A Flower Essence-tial process by Kris Lecakes Haley — So you’ve been using a flower essence regimen that just does not seem to be working. Perhaps you think the situation is getting worse. What is going on? For those unacquainted with the 38 Bach Flower Essences, discovered in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, they […]
Oak to encourage healthy relaxation
August 29, 2014
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Oak to encourage healthy relaxation by Linda M. Crider — It is no wonder that Dr. Edward Bach included a flower essence made from the oak tree in his 38 remedy healing system. Bach himself exhibited some of the qualities of this majestic botanical and was intuitive enough to recognize the same characteristics in others. […]
Shift negative moods with Mustard
August 22, 2014
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Shift negative moods with Mustard by Linda Crider — As far back as the early 1900s, Dr. Edward Bach was aware that depression can present in various forms, such as anxiety, mood swings, personality changes and feelings of despair. When he created his 38 remedy botanical healing system, he included several flower essences to deal […]
Mimulus for courage
April 24, 2014
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Mimulus for courage by Linda Crider — Unlike most of his medical colleagues, Dr. Edward Bach perceived correlations between human personalities and the illnesses they manifested. Disillusioned with the medical practices of his day, Bach was prompted to create his 38 flower remedy system based on close examination of human behavior. In the early stages […]
April 3, 2016
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