by Julia Busch — Excessive, prolonged stress can raise cortisol, our body’s “fight-or-flight” hormone, to highly toxic levels. Intended for spurts of extra energy in times of physical danger or psychological stress, cortisol has become the “stress hormone,” a silent killer in our high-pressure lifestyle. High ongoing levels of cortisol in the bloodstream can relentlessly […]
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School’s out for summer
September 26, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — “School’s out for summer. School’s out forever. School’s been blown to pieces.” When these lyrics were performed by Alice Cooper in 1972, school violence was a rare occurrence. The song continues with, “No more pencils. No more books. No more teacher’s dirty looks. Out for summer. Out ‘til fall. We […]
Essential oils take the bite out of summer
September 16, 2012
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by Carol E. Gutierrez — Summer is a season of fun, a time to get outside in the sunshine and enjoy nature. With the summer heat and rains come the influx of insects. Most of us are familiar with the sting of a mosquito interrupting many a summer night. Essential oils are a great tool […]
Ways to increase your energy level
September 12, 2012
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by Laura Stack — Feeling fatigued? Wish you had more get-up-and-go? The following tips can help you regain your vitality. l. Strive for a neutral environment. It takes energy for your body to pay attention or avoid paying attention to something in your environment. Consider keeping a space heater or fan in your workspace if […]
Inflammation and the truth about fats
September 12, 2012
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by Dr. Shelley Crombach — Have you ever gone to the doctor while experiencing pain? Did the doctor diagnose inflammation, or give you anti-inflammatory medicine or supplements? What exactly are we fighting with these remedies? Inflammation is an immune reaction that aids in the body’s healing process. Despite its bad name, it is important for […]
Preparing for a thanks-giving dinner
September 6, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — As the holiday season approaches, you may be stocking the pantry with extra goodies and arranging your home to accommodate family gatherings. It’s a good practice to also give thanks for the time you will spend with your loved ones. Recognizing that these busy, stressful times can contribute to strains in […]
A true European herbal facial
August 29, 2012
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by Beata George — The goodness of Mother Nature is very much embodied in the plant life that graces this earth. Herbs and flowers have amazing cleansing and healing powers. European health spas have a long tradition of using raw herbs with therapies to achieve the most effective healing and beautifying results. In the European […]
Prevention is worth a pound of cure … with essential oils
August 21, 2012
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by Carol E. Gutierrez — Flu season is on the way and now is the time to stock up your “medicine cabinet” with antiviral essential oils to ward off any ills. Each essential oil has certain properties based on its chemistry. Antiviral essential oils are numerous and include angelica, bergamot, German chamomile, Eucalyptus globulus and […]
Radiant beauty comes from health and vitality
August 13, 2012
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by Purvi Desai — The perception of beauty is different for everyone. However, as with fashion, overall trends do exist. As the times change, so do our concepts of beauty. We currently live in a society obsessed with having ageless, radiant skin. Many people will try anything and everything to achieve such radiant skin — […]
Es-“scent”-ials for pregnancy
August 13, 2012
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by Marci Cagen — Aromatherapy is a safe, nurturing way to promote happiness and a sense of well-being, while also easing some of the discomforts of pregnancy. Although some precautions must be taken when choosing which scents to use, a number of essential oils are safe during pregnancy. Aromatherapy is a great way to bring […]
The resurrection of mankind’s first medicine
July 31, 2012
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by Jerri Johnson — Essential oils and their uses have often been referred to as a New Age therapy, when in actuality they are one of the oldest and most effective therapies known to man. Medicinal use of essential oils dates back nearly 8,000 years to the ancient Egyptians. Use of essential oils in the […]
Finding solace after loss
July 28, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — It is very traumatic to lose someone you love. This heart-wrenching experience is filled with great challenges. Whether the departed is a relative, a friend or a pet, the experience is never easy. The surge of emotions that rush through your mind and body can leave you depleted. Grieving is not […]
Quit smoking naturally
July 26, 2012
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by Dr. Tara Peyman — Did you know that after only eight hours of quitting smoking, your blood pressure drops by five to 10 points? After one month, your immune system will have begun to recover from the effects of cigarette smoke, and your energy is likely to improve. After only one year of quitting […]
October 2, 2012
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