by Irene Conlan — Hi, my name is Irene and I am a bookaholic. Yes, I truly am. I cannot get enough of them. I have books secretly stashed in filing cabinets, on top of the piano, the kitchen table, on the floor beside my wingback chair, in the seat of the car and, more […]
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Ambivalence: the Universe and the Multiverse
March 1, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Wishy-washy; on the fence; cannot make up your mind; what to do, what to do? This is a form of procrastination and the things you say when you are unsure of yourself. In turn, you are also telling the Universe, as well as the multi-faceted Multiverse (the aggregate of all existing […]
The positive negative side of polarity
February 29, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — The story goes that positive is good and negative is bad. Yet, how can this be true if our bodies have both positive and negative polarities? Indeed, the positive and negative poles work in unison with our body to keep it balanced. Think about how good it feels to swim in […]
At the heart of Haiti
February 27, 2012
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by Kris Lecakes Haley — In the last decade, we have been presented with a number of opportunities to help our planet experience a shift in consciousness. Consider how the blessed beings in Haiti have awakened a spirit of generosity across the planet. Arguably, with the recent images of Haiti’s plight beaming into our living […]
Why habits are so hard to break
February 25, 2012
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by Gwen Farrell — Imagine a large crystal bowl filled with Jell-O™. The top 10 percent is orange Jell-O and the remaining 90 percent is strawberry Jell-O. A tasty treat, yes, and a pretty good model for the structure and function of the human mind. The orange layer represents the waking, or conscious mind, the […]
Creating harmony in our world
February 25, 2012
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by Khayriyyah and Shadi Savannah — The art of creating music is one of the most innate abilities human beings possess. The way a mother’s hum soothes her child or the way children express their imagination through spontaneous singing are both reflections of the natural rhythm of this common bond we all share. Music teaches […]
What are your values?
February 24, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — A practice I have developed over the years is reading a book while eating my breakfast. I call these books the “al” books — inspiration-al, motivation-al or information-al. I do this for several reasons but primarily to start the day on a high note or with a new thought. I have […]
Cause and Effect
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about one of the most basic laws operating on planet Earth, that of cause and effect. In the karmic sense, the law of cause and effect states that all of our thoughts, words and deeds have far-reaching consequences that, over time, come back to us in reciprocal […]
Course corrections
February 24, 2012
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by John Freedom — Have you taken stock of your life lately? Have you looked back over the old year, and started to survey a promise of the future? As you look ahead and peer into your crystal ball to see what lies ahead, what do you see for yourself? Where are you headed? And […]
Create your own paradigm
February 24, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — According to the concept of universal oneness, we are all connected and have great similarities to each other. Most everyone is seeking solid relationships, perhaps a supportive marriage, stable job, nurturing home and reliable car — in short, “the good life.” Such is the ideal scenario and dream for the majority […]
Dentistry, dogma and mercury
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Seldom a day passes that I do not interview a client who is concerned about mercury fillings. Often the patient has been to a practitioner who, when questioned about mercury fillings, rolled his eyes and launched into tirades about the virtues of the silver mercury filling, and how completely safe […]
The tao of intimacy
February 23, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein Grace — Intimacy. Connection. Getting close. We are made for it. Yet many of us push it away, guard against it, and treat it as a threat. Or, we are so hungry for it that when we reach for intimacy with another, we cling and grab, and it slips through our fingers […]
The duality of awareness
February 23, 2012
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by John English — One of the most fascinating elements of the self to contemplate and work with is that of awareness. Like everything else in the One Spirit’s creation, our awareness is dualistic. Each of us has the use of mind and heart. Heart is the feeling principle. So our awareness consists of mind […]
March 1, 2012
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