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Discovering your soul through past and future lives

August 15, 2012

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by Tina G Sacchi —  Do you ever wonder why you have instinctive knowledge on certain subjects, tasks or activities? Or why are you drawn to certain people, cultures, beliefs and traditions, while some places, people and things feel off limits? The exploration of past and future lives sounds mysterious and mystical, and some people […]

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Spiritual coaching

August 14, 2012

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by Craig Dunkelberger —  Have you ever felt as if you were lost, stuck in a rut or at a spiritual crossroads in your life and you did not know which way to go? This is a common phenomenon, and it can frequently manifest in the middle years of life. It is sometimes referred to […]

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Take good care of yourself: Everyday comfort and joy

August 9, 2012

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by Colette Lafia —  Sometimes what the doctor ordered is not “out there” at some fancy spa or even within the pages of the latest self-help bestseller, but rather right in front of us, in the simple, everyday rituals of our lives. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the inherent richness of our daily […]

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Finding your bliss

August 9, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  Finding one’s bliss is a way of life, not just something to acquire. Bliss is not about more pedicures, massages or other forms of self-indulgence; it is not even about outer grooming or taking better care of our bodies. These activities represent very small slices of true bliss, but by no […]

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Who are we and why are we here?

August 8, 2012

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by Lori Keeley —  Would you like to know your life purpose? Are you feeling “out of alignment” with yourself? Are you feeling the desire to heal and change from the inside out? As our economy continues to shift, it seems more and more difficult to stay afloat and at peace. That’s because we are […]

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In-the-body experiences

August 7, 2012

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by Scott Kalechstein —  As I write this, I am in the seventh month of a one-year intuitive training program with a school that teaches psychic and spiritual development. What I am mostly learning there has to do with being grounded in and present to my body. While practicing my tools, I am enjoying my […]

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What Signature Cell Healing means to me

August 6, 2012

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by Rev. Beverly Cohoon —  Seven years ago, I was happily married with plans to retire in three years, buy a fifth-wheel travel trailer to attach to our truck and travel around North America. As often said, “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” That is exactly what happened. In 2001, my […]

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Blocks in the chakras

August 5, 2012

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by Davara ThunderBeat —  Yogis know that a person’s illness often first manifests in the chakras before it appears in the physical body. Physical problems will develop in specific areas, causing discomfort or illness in the organism. The yogis, however, also know that complete healing is not possible if the chakra system continues to be […]

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Don’t worry, be happy

August 3, 2012

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by Irene Conlan —  Many of us are into positive thinking these days. We repeatedly hear statements like: “We are what we think about,” “What the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve,” “To change your life, change your thinking,” “Thoughts are things and create your reality,” and “If you want to know what […]

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Making decisions without fear

August 3, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  Nothing inhibits your ability to move forward in life as much as fear — the fear of making decisions, the fear of failure and even the fear of success. It may sound surprising, but what is needed is not to remove the fear, but to find the tools for sound decision-making […]

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Awaken delight

July 29, 2012

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by Sundance Burke — Ah ha! We are awake. We have discovered we are not our thoughts, an idea, a voice, belief or opinion; nor do we feel judgment. We have awakened from our dream of endless desire and fear. We see the splinter in our mind: “Something needs to change in this moment for […]

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Spontaneous bliss

July 27, 2012

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by Jangchub Tsomo —  Spontaneous bliss — this is the experience of practicing Kunlun Nei-gung. It might sound too good to be true, and yet bliss is what people can quickly and easily actualize. Whether someone is sitting peacefully in meditation or having a beer after work, everyone is chasing their bliss. So what is […]

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Matter, energy, space, time and you

July 27, 2012

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by John English—  Toltecs and medicine people refer to matter, energy, space and time (MEST) as the four-fold purpose of the “unspeakable.” The unspeakable is a term for the One Spirit that many of us refer to as God. They use this term because there is really nothing that can be said about it. If […]

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