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Myofascial release for PTSD, anxiety and depression

February 26, 2012

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by Maria Troia —  The John Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release (MFR) relies upon the notion of tissue memory. The fascia experiences and records stress and trauma over the course of a lifetime, often not becoming a problem for the individual until a critical mass is reached. Barnes describes this effect as “splat art.” It […]

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Art and the heart’s transformation

February 26, 2012

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by Jane Smith Bernhardt —  One of the extraordinary things about being human is that we are uniquely capable of great and rapid evolution. Where other species rely on Darwinian natural selection, we often take massive leaps in awareness and behavior. What inspires these leaps? What plants the seeds of outrage or new inspiration? I […]

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Creating from your heart

February 24, 2012

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by Sherry Anshara —  The heart chakra has the highest vibrational field in your body. This is the best place from which to create your life. Use this tremendous, unlimited field of consciousness, and your heart will support the creation of a heartfelt life with very little effort. However, if you hold fear in your […]

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