Change your state, change your life by Scott Grace — I went to college — dropped in, then dropped out from the University of Buffalo (UB) within two years. Did not take any English courses. Sorry for my grammar. In those two years I would have loved to have had a girlfriend. Just one out […]
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Fear — fact or fiction?
August 11, 2014
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Fear — fact or fiction? by Sherry Anshara — Much is written and discussed about the issue of fear, but what is it? Fear is often defined as false evidence that appears real. But this definition is an oxymoron. Evidence means proof, verification or facts. False means bogus, counterfeit or fake. In truth, fear is […]
Living “fearward”
February 17, 2014
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by Dr. Richard Moss — Fear is a sensation that we name according to the situation. If you are standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon, you speak of fear of heights, or acrophobia. If you are in a crowded place, the word is agoraphobia. There are a thousand names for fear, but […]
A mindset for living in flow
February 17, 2014
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by Deborah Jane Wells — When we choose fear as our fuel, any of us — individuals and organizations alike — can become stuck in a hamster-wheel approach to life. Trapped by the mistaken belief that busyness is the same as purpose, we cannot stand the way we are living but feel powerless to change. […]
Through the eyes of a child
February 15, 2014
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by Susan Torres — There was a time when we looked at life in wonder. Everything was good. Then, it was as if one day we woke up and stopped smelling the flowers, ceased blowing bubbles, quit playing tag — and life was suddenly no longer fun. Have you ever stopped and looked into the […]
Bright ideas to clear up brain fog
February 11, 2014
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Brain fog, one of the most common conditions people experience today, is not a “diagnosable disease,” so it often is overlooked by physicians and psychologists. It can feel like a cloud that reduces your clarity of mind. Symptoms include confusion, forgetfulness and feeling detached, which can lead to becoming discouraged […]
What causes fear?
January 9, 2014
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by David Berger — Fear is not an inherent human emotion. Rather, it is passed on to us at conception. This means a fearful mother-to-be will, in turn, pass her fear to her fetus. Joy and happiness are similarly transferred. After birth, parents’ fear is nurtured within their child because the parents unknowingly reinforce it. […]
Activation of one’s greatness potential
December 8, 2013
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by Steven Patascher — Our “greatness potential” is waiting to be realized on multidimensional levels in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms of existence. If growth is to be meaningful, effective and comprehensively sustained, these areas need to be addressed. “Greatness potential,” as I define it, is one’s highest capacity for love, wisdom, creativity […]
Adult rebellion: a tool for personal reinvention
November 16, 2013
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by Linda Crill — Rebellion is expected from teenagers. It is normal for our youth to protest established traditions and test rules as they reinvent themselves in preparation for adulthood. But what about adult rebellion? Eighteen months after my husband passed away, I overachieved at following the one-size-fits-all advice for widows — and I was […]
Where does motivation come from?
November 8, 2013
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by Sandy Jones — I used to think motivation came from outside myself, and sometime it does. Certain types of motivation definitely do come from external sources. For example, parents are a source of motivation. They motivate their children to do well in school, to clean their rooms, to make good choices. While parents are […]
Healing shame, fear and the addictive mind
October 15, 2013
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by Paul Stiles Randak — The journey toward healing and personal freedom requires one to address the nature and origin of past wounds. These wounds, which formed at a very early age, are the result of events and relationships in one’s life where the authentic or artistic self was abandoned or injured. Releasing oneself from […]
Thoughts about hurricanes Katrina and Rita
September 21, 2013
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by Elyse Ann — We are all painfully aware of the complete and utter devastation that hurricanes Katrina and Rita leveled against the Gulf Coast. People lost their lives. Many, literally, have lost every material possession. They have become nomads in their own country. As difficult as it has been to watch these events unfold, […]
Healing your animals’ fears and other negative emotions
September 19, 2013
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by Barbara J. Paster — We can help our animals heal negative emotions and live better, happier lives. Expressing our love and compassion to them just a few minutes a day is one easy way to help them feel happier and healthier. Animals are connected to us on deep emotional levels. They always feel what […]
December 8, 2015
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