Choosing love as your core energy automatically enhances every aspect of your life — your perceptions, opportunities, relationships and priorities.
by Deborah Jane Wells —
When we choose fear as our fuel, any of us — individuals and organizations alike — can become stuck in a hamster-wheel approach to life. Trapped by the mistaken belief that busyness is the same as purpose, we cannot stand the way we are living but feel powerless to change.
As we work together, my clients discover what I discovered: When you fall in love with yourself, everything else falls into place, personally and professionally. Choosing love as your core energy automatically enhances every aspect of your life — your perceptions, opportunities, relationships and priorities. You get unstuck, reclaim your personal power and recapture your zest for living, moving yourself forward into a life you love. When love transforms your relationship with yourself, it transforms your personal life, your work and the world.
Instead of choosing to live as a victim of circumstance, consider loving yourself unconditionally and embracing this five-part mindset to foster a life of generous, effortless and gracious flow:
1. Be here now — Show up and bring the best you have to offer in this moment. Not last year’s best or next year’s best or someone else’s best. Just the best you have to offer with the love and light you are giving yourself access to at this time. Quit judging yourself as insufficient. You are always enough, just as you are right here and now.
2. Live the truth — God is God, you are God’s, and love is the greatest power in the universe. Your Source is excellent, limitless and reliable. No external force can block your highest good. Universal abundance flows to and through you. Whatever the circumstances, you know who you are. You are a unique co-creative expression of the divine. How could that ever not be enough?
3. Commit to the highest good — Universal love is always unfolding the highest good for all, in all and through all. Love, respect, curiosity and compassion reveal and advance the highest good. Your part is to align yourself with the highest good by keeping yourself free of fear and holding yourself wide open as a clear channel for love and light.
4. Express gratitude — While feeling grateful is a nice start, do not stop there. Express it to and for every being, encounter and experience. Appreciate your life. Know that everything is an opportunity. Expect it. Go looking for it. Notice it. Say, “Thank you!” Gratitude for universal abundance fosters generous, effortless, gracious flow filled with faith, hope, prosperity, peace and joy. And it starts with being grateful for every aspect of yourself — the attributes that thrill you and those that frustrate you and everyone who knows you. They are all essential elements of your unique co-creative role in expressing the divine.
5. Trust God with the details — Resist the urge to over-manage the minutiae and end up trapped in the weeds. Even though you are bright and creative, that level of specificity is way above your pay grade. Remain focused on the responsibilities (the first four parts of the mindset) and stay tuned to the universal frequency for further instructions on where to go, what to do, when and with whom. When you discern, focus and follow through, the universe works wonders through you. Your job becomes so much easier when you allow God to be God.
In summary, your role in the first four parts of the mindset is to invest all forms of your energy (attention, time, talents and money) fully and constructively in the present moment. Your role in part five is to release any specific expectations about the nature, magnitude and timing of what will result.
Success consists of engaging fully in the process of living, while remaining completely detached from precise outcomes. It is God’s job to determine the end result. You get to enjoy it, whenever it happens and in whatever form it takes because universal love is always unfolding the highest good for all, in all and through all.
The only person controlling your life is you. Turn unexplored possibilities into fulfilling realities by harnessing the transformative power of love to step into your greatness. Choose your energy and change your life.
Deborah Jane Wells is an empowerment coach and inspirational speaker who, for 30 years, was an organization transformation consultant. She is the author of Choose Your Energy: Change Your Life! Her blog, radio show and coaching programs help individuals and organizations turn unexplored possibilities into fulfilling realities. djwlifecoach.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 1, February/March 2014.
February 17, 2014
Fear, February/March 2014 issue, Gratitude, Love and Relationships