by Shirley Osborne — The Italians have a saying, “Tutto il mondo e’ paese” — all the world is one country. By this, they mean that all the countries in the world are the same as the one in which we live. The people in other countries are no different from us, when it comes […]
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Grieving when bad things happen
September 28, 2012
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by Rochelle Sparrow — There is no making sense of the tragedy that occurred in May at Virginia Tech. There is no making sense of what occurs inside a person who cannot feel for another person, and will murder or commit hideous crimes. As humans, in our quest to have our world make sense, we […]
Where are your loved ones’ important papers?
September 16, 2012
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by David Mitchell — Your husband, who has always been healthy, has been admitted to the hospital. The doctors tell you he has suffered a severe stroke and it does not look good. Would you know where to find his healthcare power of attorney or his will? What about your family members who are older? […]
What Signature Cell Healing means to me
August 6, 2012
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by Rev. Beverly Cohoon — Seven years ago, I was happily married with plans to retire in three years, buy a fifth-wheel travel trailer to attach to our truck and travel around North America. As often said, “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.” That is exactly what happened. In 2001, my […]
Finding solace after loss
July 28, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — It is very traumatic to lose someone you love. This heart-wrenching experience is filled with great challenges. Whether the departed is a relative, a friend or a pet, the experience is never easy. The surge of emotions that rush through your mind and body can leave you depleted. Grieving is not […]
Healing your emotional pain
July 14, 2012
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by Glenyss Lim — How often have you said, “Oh, I’m all right,” when in fact you were hurting, crying out inside, stressed, angry or not knowing how to handle the circumstances of your life or the feelings you were carrying around? You are not alone. We are all together in this mystery called life. […]
The power of joy
July 10, 2012
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by Kandi and Faith — The Angels want to remind us that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. The very core of who we are is love. As humans, we experience duality, or two basic emotions. Every feeling we experience stems from either love or fear. The feeling of joy stems from […]
Why dealing with clutter is difficult
February 26, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Dealing with clutter can be daunting. One reason for this is that we tend to think of clutter-clearing as a task requiring little effort or planning. Actually, the opposite is true and, with a few tools and insights, the job can be completed with excellent results. Keep in mind that for […]
Tips for safer pools and hot tubs
February 26, 2012
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by Laurie Batter — Now that summer is here, stories about drowning tragedies are making headlines across the country. With millions enjoying their summers by swimming in backyard pools and relaxing in hot tubs, the need for pool and hot tub safety is urgent. The American Red Cross and National Swimming Pool Foundation® want all […]
November 13, 2012
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