Seeking Serenity: The 10 New Rules for Health and Happiness in the Age of Anxiety by Amanda Enayati — Enayati, a former lawyer at a big firm feeling stressed all the time, finally made a change when the diagnosis of late-stage breast cancer — and miraculous recovery — caused her to re-evaluate her life and […]
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Seeking Serenity: The 10 New Rules for Health and Happiness in the Age of Anxiety

Creating internal harmony using your senses
December 12, 2014
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Creating internal harmony using your senses by Jill Mattson — Think of your body as a spaceship equipped with many buttons that you do not know how to use. But you can do much with your spaceship — your body. The key to using all of its powers is to increase your five senses. Prepare […]
I am not my schedule!
January 29, 2014
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by Scott Kalechstein — Hi, I’m Scott and I am a recovering workaholic. For the past three months, I have had a fairly quiet calendar. It is not easy, having time and space on my hands. It shines a light on all those places where I do not yet love myself just for being me. […]
Uptight? Try stretching
January 23, 2014
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by Mimi Solaire — Stretching not only relaxes the body but also has a calming effect on the mind and emotions. Some of the benefits of stretching include mental and physical relaxation; body awareness; reduction of muscular tension and soreness; production of chemicals that lubricate connective tissues and joints, helping reduce injury to joints, ligaments, […]
Letting go of vices
October 6, 2013
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by Kristin Cicciarelli — Recently, a lovely woman named “Susan” announced that although she is a contributing member to society, an excellent mother and a dedicated employee, she is also an alcoholic. She is not the kind of alcoholic depicted in Hollywood movies — the stumbling, nonfunctioning ne’er-do-well who drinks Jack Daniels for breakfast and […]
Music — Are you tuned in to what your music is doing to you?
September 30, 2013
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by Sheevaun Moran — I was in a nice boutique the other day and noticed a song playing in the background that basically said, “My girlfriend is a jerk,” repeatedly. The next verse was something to the effect of, “I love my girlfriend and I am going to stay with her forever.” This was not […]
Taking care of financial clarity
September 13, 2013
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by Lucinda Lintz — Splurging can have its consequences, as most of us have probably experienced from time to time. Accepting the splurge can be the key to unleashing the power to change spending behaviors. Accept, forgive and move on — consciously. Splurging with our eyes wide open allows room to make changes in behavior […]
Meditation: Pathway to inner peace
September 8, 2013
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by Ada Porat — The practice of meditation offers clear physiological, mental and emotional benefits. It can lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety and depression, aid restorative sleep and promote a general sense of well-being. Meditation assists with integrating the inner world of peace and joy with the outer world of action and achievement. This integration […]
Pain is inevitable, worry is optional
August 11, 2013
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by Wendy Boorn — It has been said that “worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Anxiety is an epidemic in today’s unpredictable times. Whether concerns are about unstable weather patterns and the effects of climate change, terrorist attacks, the polarity in Congress, political unrest […]
Helping kids help themselves by using yoga
August 11, 2013
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by Jennifer Schaecher — There has been lots of talk lately about yoga and its myriad benefits. Strength, flexibility, balance, relaxation and energy — you can experience all of them through the practice of yoga. But, you can get even more out of it if you invite the kids to participate, too. A few schools […]
Establishing a regular yoga practice
July 22, 2013
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by Kathleen Bryant — You arrive home from your weekly yoga class, feeling blissful. The next morning, the alarm rings, you jump out of bed and it is off to work. You are a little sore from class the night before, but you still feel great. By the end of the day, you are plain […]
Real superheroes: massage therapists
July 1, 2013
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by Dannette Hunnel — Imagine, if you will, a culture of loose-limbed and limp-wristed inhabitants, pleasant and carefree without the need for drugs or alcohol. A euphoric society completely decaffeinated and stress free, where the only snap, crackle and pop you hear comes from your cereal. Car exhaust and factory output are replaced with the […]
Good feng shui begins at your front door
June 30, 2013
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by Joy Abrams — The art of feng shui brings together a wonderful mix of good interior design, the Chinese five element theory, Taoist principles of yin and yang based on the I-Ching and ancient folk wisdom from China. At its very core is the belief that all things on the planet are imbued with […]
April 23, 2015
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