by Rochelle Sparrow — The recent opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics started with a bang of cascading fireworks, shining light into the night for all nations to witness. It was a testimony to our ability to come together. On television we saw faces of different colors and nations with strong, centuries-old political differences now […]
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Spiritual gardens
August 26, 2012
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by John Leslie — Sara grinned as she approached the entrance to her garden; the gargoyle gazed intently as she walked through the archway. The morning sun crested the stone wall just as she sat down on her carefully positioned bench. Right on cue, the rabbits and quail made their way to the feeding spot, […]
Finding inner peace
August 24, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — Do you know someone who is living life in a way that is detrimental to their health? They may be using drugs, alcohol or some other form of artificial gratification to deal with their stress. Not only is this type of gratification temporary, the use of these substances can have a […]
Meditation goes mainstream
August 21, 2012
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by Sarah McLean — Meditation is a buzzword these days. Some people cannot live without it, but others think it is too difficult or too New Age. What exactly is involved and why would anyone want to do it? In our daily lives, it’s easy to become overstimulated — visually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Not […]
Meditation improves the immune system
August 16, 2012
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Many natural methods are available to keep us healthy, but only recently have researchers begun to prove the benefits of these methods. Research shows that if you want to improve your health and your immune system, try meditation. The practice — an essential part of Buddhist and Indian yoga traditions — has entered the mainstream, […]
Be “hear” now meditation
July 29, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — The clock is ticking loudly on the wall as a bird’s persistent song, car doors slamming and voices of children at the bus stop take turns competing for your attention. You hear a light tapping on the glass door and, as you focus on its rhythm, you hear the buzzing of […]
Awaken delight
July 29, 2012
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by Sundance Burke — Ah ha! We are awake. We have discovered we are not our thoughts, an idea, a voice, belief or opinion; nor do we feel judgment. We have awakened from our dream of endless desire and fear. We see the splinter in our mind: “Something needs to change in this moment for […]
Listen to your heart — it knows best
July 25, 2012
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by Kandi and Faith — How many times have you asked yourself whether you said or did the right thing in a given situation? A more appropriate question would be, “Did I use my head, or listen to my heart?” Most of us have been brought up to think with our heads. Our parents, teachers, […]
The vata type
July 18, 2012
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by Dr. Meghana Thanki — Are you the type that suffers from insomnia, worries constantly, experiences constipation, has frequent spells of forgetfulness or just cannot seem to follow a routine? If yes, it is likely your vata dosha is out of balance. According to Ayurveda, the elements existent in nature, such as water, earth, fire, […]
Rhythmic connected breathing technique for meditation
July 14, 2012
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by Christina Drozda — Rhythmic connected breathing is a five-minute technique that can be activated in the privacy of your home, office, or any place you feel you can relax without being disturbed. You may either sit or lie down, making sure you are comfortable and ready to receive. You may want to light candles, […]
Qigong for a healthy life
April 12, 2012
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by Sheila Eastman — What if you had a self-healing tool at your fingertips that you could use every day to put your mind, body and spirit in a great place? This tool would help you quiet your mind for clarity, improve memory and ease decision making. This self-healing tool is qigong, pronounced “chee-gong.” There […]
Nirvana quartz: Stone for enlightenment
February 29, 2012
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by Karyn Diane Kish — Nirvana quartz is the name specific to a group of growth-interference quartz crystals that are sometimes called ice quartz. They were first discovered in 2006, at an altitude of 18,000 feet in the Himalayan Mountains of India. They appeared to be in silent isolation for thousand of years, just below […]
Finding new meaning in simplicity
February 28, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Beneath the current cycle of economic contraction, a quiet revolution is underway. It is a grassroots movement toward simplicity and meaning, led by individuals who realize that less can be more. Whereas Western consumerism is fueled by the mantra of “More, better, bigger!” these revolutionaries are choosing to step off the consumer […]
August 29, 2012
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